An explanation to fellow spies

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In the communication room for spies, the lights go red and one of the men shouts. "We have a report from Twilight! He's requesting agents! As many as possible!" He goes back and types fast on his keyboard. The woman hums. "This will be a true test for WISE."

The man nods in agreement and speaks into his headset. "To all agents in Ostania. Report to Newston Castle for an emergency operation." All men and women either run or ride or parachute their way down vehicles to the castle as fast as they can, a look of determination on all of their faces. "This is an extremely important assignment regarding Operation Strix. Mission rank is over SS. I repeat: this is an extremely important assignment regarding Operation Strix. Mission rank is over SS!"

In mere moments, the castle is filled with people all dressed up and decorated as if there is a party. Tables prepared with food and drink, people either dressed up as someone of importance or a servants. 

While the family is on a stage, Anya is jumping up and down, Yor is still swaying back and forth, Loid looks tired, Franky holds a cocky pose, and y/n glares at the room in suspicion. The teenager looks at her uncle. "You were able to call all of these people here?" Instead of panicking Franky gives a thumb up with a smirk. "Yep! These people all work here as set designer, side characters, you name it! Even the owner showed up. Look, there he is!"

The girl looks and her eyes immediately see who her uncle is talking about. Just as he said, the owner was talking and laughing with other people. He looked just like his profile that she did research about. From the gray strands in his dark brown hair to the ballroom outfit that he loved to wear on sets.

Franky could almost cheer aloud when he sees his niece relax. He noticed her getting suspicious about this ordeal. He wasn't stupid to think that y/n would duped by the whole story about him knowing the owner like the little pinkette. So, he was able to request one of the agents to go disguised as the man.

In the crowd, a few spies couldn't help but stare at the father. "That's the real Twilight..." One mutters in amazement. Another one smiles. "I gotta get his autograph later."

Frank eyes the crowd and speaks in a low voice. "Look at your agency coming through for you." He then pats Loid's shoulder. "Well, give them the rundown." He sways away with a cocky grin. "I'll give them the details later."

Loid sighs and approaches the mic. "All right, fine." Once in the center of the stage, all lights go off and a strobe light shines on him. Loid speaks with a smile. "Thank you very much for gathering here today on behalf of my daughters." 

Anya takes y/n's hand, making the teenager look down at her. "Sissy, what kind of fancy clothes you wanna wear for the game?" She asks, making y/n not take in Loid tapping on the stage with his foot, making all the agents perk up.

Morse code.

"Just listen quietly."

A man dressed as a butler gets excited.

Orders from Twilight!

"I would like for all of you to play the part of the enemies of a spy who is coming to save two princesses.

"The assignment is an imperative part of Operation Strix, and you do not need to inquire further about it.

One of the men smirks, but sweat drops a bit.

I have absolutely no idea what's going on... but this is Twilight we're talking about I'm sure this is all according to plan.

"Thank you again for doing this for my daughters."

"This man will explain the detail. Follow his orders from now on."

A strobe light turns on and reveals Franky. "All right! Let's announce the cast! Here's our stars for today!" Another light turns on, showing Anya and y/n wearing tiara. "Princess Anya and y/n!" Y/n waves with a smile Anya hops to one foot and points to the side. "This is the spy person who's gonna save us!"

Loid stands with his hands on his hips and his eyes closed. And y/n takes the mic. "And the big bad mastermind!" Another light goes on and Franky slides in with a cape and a peace sign. ""Count Scruffy Head!" Anya then points at a happy drunk Yor. "And Mama... can be whatever!" The woman is taken aback by this.

Franky continues. "And now... to the very capable subordinates of Count Scruffy Head! I need you all to put on your best performances and get in Loidman's way as much as possible!" Loid gets nervous at this.

The same butler is shaking with excitement. 

This mission ranking is over SS. I'll make any sacrifice necessary to see this mission through! I couldn't ask for a better opponent than Twilight!

This day has finally come...

Franky goes on. "You can all decide for yourselves how you're going to get in Loidman's way. I am not exaggerating when I say the success of this plan is in your hands!" Loid stares at Franky, confused.

Uh... where is this going?

"Minions! Make Loidman suffer as much as possible for the princesses sake! Once you're all prepared, get to your positions! Tailors! Have the lovely young ladies in costume. Make sure that they love it and is comfy for them.  Only the best for them!"

The crowd nod. "Roger!" Most run off but a few get on stage, grab the girls, and carry them away, making Loid panic. "Anya! Y/n!"

Franky chuckles. "Don't worry, Loidy. They know what to do. I wonder though... should I go for another look? I wanna appear sinister as I steal your kids." Franky comments, inspecting himself.

Loid snaps at this. "What you wear shouldn't matter! What about y/n? You saw the records, you know how smart she is. This stinks of suspicion."

Franky waves a hand of dismissal. "Aw, you worry too much. The records of the owner says that he loves helping out kids no matter what. Once she saw the guy here, anyone would think he would help out in something like this. Besides, she deserves to be spoiled. You should go over the top in what she wants. Remember, this was Anya's request."

Loid sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. "I already know what I'm getting her." He confesses, piquing Franky's interest. "Oh~? Tell me!"

Loid walks off. "I'm gonna get ready." He waves Franky who is mad. "Don't ignore my question!"

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