A dumb idea bought through lying teeth

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At the headquarters of spies, a man listens intently to what's being said in headphones. He gasps and looks behind him, where the woman who was with the boss earlier. "We have a message from Twilight. Code GO005."

The woman relaxes her shoulders as if relieved. "He did it. The Sakura blossoms bloom."

The celebration is short-lived when the man speaks up again. "Another message from Twilight." He then writes furiously on a piece of paper as the woman approaches him. "What is it?"

The man simply holds the paper out and she takes it, inspecting the words on it. The woman only grimaces at this. "How shall I reply?" The woman recalls what her boss said.

"He might just be the best spy in all of Westalis..."

The woman stands tall and speak loudly. "Get him whatever he needs at once!" All the other people in the room nod. "Yes, Ma'am!" Someone presses a sequence on a morse telegraph. "To Falcon in the Rhynnick region. Emergency operation from Twilight."

A man on the other side responds. "Falcon here. Roger the emergency operation from Twilight, over."

At his house, Loid speaks into his communication device. "!830 hours... meet downstream on the Nein River in the Rhynnick region." He hangs up and hums. "They sure didn't waste any time."

In the living room, the three girls and Franky look over a diagram of the castle. While Yor is swaying a bit due to the excessive consumption of alcohol, Franky uses a pointing sting to show places as the two girls watch with intent. "Believe it or not, this castle can do this, too!" Anya shoots her arms up into the air. "I'm gonna make a quiz!" Franky smiles wider. "Hey great idea.

Y/n hums at this, holding her chin. "This seems to be expensive. How is Dad going to pay for all this." Franky jolts, not expecting her to become suspicious. "Ah, well, my friend own the place and he said that if I ever wanted to use it, he would give a big discount. Your Dad knows someone that will take us to the place, that's why he's calling right now."

Later, the family arrive at the river, all dressed in aerobics Franky admires the plane. "You seriously came through!" Anya can't help but get giddy as Loid helps her into her suit. "Anya's never been on a plane before! Waku Waku!"

Loid finishes buttoning her up and sighs. "There we go." He looks over to y/n. "Do you need help with-" He stops midsentence as he see his teenager inspecting the plane, her attire already on her snugly. "So, what kind of engine do you use on this?" She asks the two pilots standing on the side.

Might as well work more on my knowledge of engineering since I plan to make a motor bike. Always good to have a different set of transportation.

Before the two could answer her, Yor twirls over to Loid as she sings, the wine bottle clutched tightly in one hand. "Loid! Where did you get this lil' plane? It's amazing!"

Loid answers her softly. "Oh, some wonderful coworkers of mine are letting me borrow it. Yor turns to the two and bows. "Fanks for always looking after my husband."

Everyone but the two get on the plane with Loid on the front. "Y/n arches a brow. "You know how to fly?" Loid smiles at her. "I got lessons from my coworkers a few years ago and decided to get a license." He looks at the others. "You all have your seatbelts on? Here we go."

The plane gores down the river, the speed increasing and soon lifts from the ground. The family is up in the sky and Aya places her hands on the window while looking down at the city before her. "It looks like a twearsure chest. Papa, you're amazing!"

They pass through a few hills before the castle is in sight. "Look! There it is!" Franky points out and Anya's eyes sparkle. "The castle's so cool!" She shouts as the plane tilts to land. Franky and Anya get rowdy, making Loid panic. "Hey, settle down! We're about to land. Make sure you're properly seated.

After the plane landed and the family is in the place, the same excited two run around the big room. "We're in the castle!"

Loid shouts at them to be careful. Y/ looks around and Yor smiles at her husband. This is wonderful."

Anya stops in her tracks, her face shadowed. Loid grows worried. "What's the matter?" He asks and Y/n goes over and bends down to the girl's level. Anya fiddles with her hands. "Something's not right."

"What do you mean by that?" Loid questions. Anya solemnly answers. "There's no bad guys or butlers or maids. It doesn't feel like a castle." A pout shapes her lips. "I'm sad. I don't wanna go to school."

Franky rubs the pinkette's hair. "I know, right? I can't blame ya, little missy." He then glares at Loid. "Dad better step up his game." Y/n shotts up. "Why him? You were the one that said we should rent this place."

Loid holds up a hand. "I's alright, y/n." He smiles. "I can call in a few people that would jump at the opportunity.

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