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The peace of the world rests on you two becoming friends with those boys.

The girls arrive at school and leave the bus. Anya hops off the steps and clenches her fists. "Anya will do her best." Y/n pats her little sister's head. "You have a good day, and make sure he knows you really are sorry." Anya huffs with a nod and they both head to the stairs until, they hear something behind them. 

They turn to see two different limos letting out two girls each daughter was familiar with.

(With Anya)

(With y/n)

"Have a wonderful day, Miss Becky." The driver says as the girl leaves with a graceful smile on her lips. She sees Anya and makes her way over to her. "Miss rich girl!" Anya calls out, recognizing her, but Becky is not insulted by this. "Oh, Anya. Good day to you."

Y/n smiles as she bows. "Good morning, Lady Citrine." The girl with long brown hair returns the bow with a small smile. "Same to you, Lady Forger. Shall we walk to class together?" Y/n nods and they start on the stairs.

"Do you live in a castle, Miss rich girl?" Anya asks with curiosity. Becky huffs out a laugh. "Of course not. You came by school bus, right? I could have my driver give you a ride to and from school from now on." Anya's eyes sparkle. "Does this mean Sissy and I get to be a Miss rich girl, too?" Becky raises a brow. "Sissy?" Anya nods. "My bod sister just transferred here. She's super nice and she always keeps me safe. You would like her, she's over there." Anya points at y/n where Becky brightens up when she sees her. "Oh wow! Your big sister is so pretty!"

"So I hear you're quite into (Fav subject)," Angel asks, and y/n nods. "I just find it more appealing than the other ones." Angel hums. "I see, well I could use a brush-over for future tests, the tutors I had didn't really enlighten me, so I can use some help." Y/n could barely hold back the smile she had. She didn't think that she would have a study session so soon.

As the girls walk through the gate, Becky looks at the dorms. "Aw, I'm jealous of the dorm kids who don't have to go to and from school. As they get closer, Damian and his goons walk out. The head boy stops in his tracks when he sees them and Becky's face twists into a look of disgust. "Bleh..."

One of Damian's goons gets mad at this reaction. "What do you mean, bleh?! You rude little girl!" Becky rolls her eyes. "Ugh, it's only morning and you're already obnoxious. The goons get more angry and shout, "What's your problem? Know your place!" 

While those three are arguing, Anya stares at Damian, who is red with anger. Her father and sister's words ring in her head.

"Make sure you apologize."

Anya takes a few steps forward, determined to complete her mission. "Uh... um, yesterday, I..." Before she can go on, Becky grabs Anya's hand and drags her off. "Let's go, Anya. Class is about to start. One of the goons does not like that they're leaving in the middle of their argument. "Hey, wait!"

Becky ignores them. "You'll just catch their stupid if you keep talking to them."

Damian is about to call out to them, but a hand is placed on his head and he looks to see a familiar face. "Big bro!" Dante smirks at the name. "Hey, why are your friends yelling? You know it's not good to fight on campus. I don't want you to get in trouble."

Damian points to where Back and Anya walked off. "It was the girl who hit me!" Dante frowns at this. "Oh? The one with the mean hook? Well, maybe she wants to apologize." 

Damian scoffs at this. "As if I'll forgive her for hurting me." He then winces in pain when his uninjured cheek is being pulled. "You know you're also at fault. Your headmaster told me that you've been mean to her the whole exchange and she didn't strike till you hurt her friend. If she apologizes sincerely, I expect you to at least acknowledge it." Damian winces and says, "Okay, okay! I will!"

Dante smiles and releases his brother's cheek. He notices y/n and Angel talking with smiles on their face, a rare occurrence for one of them. Angel sees this and waves at Dante. Like a cartoon, Dante speeds off to them and gets in front of them before bowing. "Lady Forger and Citrine, good morning. Shall we head to class together?"

Y/n nods. "Yeah, we were actually talking about holding a study session regarding (Fav subject)." She explains, making the boy light up at this. "May I join, I could always use a refresher in case I might have forgotten some things."

Y/n smiles and nods. "That sounds good! The more the merrier! Is that okay with you, Lady Citrine?" She asks, turning in time to have the girl seen be nodding. "Wonderful. I would love to learn how you perceive the matter of learning and we can help each other through some obstacles." Y/n blushes and looks away. "Oh, it's nothing special, I just have my own techniques to remember things.

As the teens talk, Loid is on the roof of the dorms, watching the interaction between Anya and Becky, which makes him angry. 

Stop getting in the way, Blackbell girl! No, wait. As I recall, Blackbell and the Desmond group are actually business partners. Could this girl be under orders from an enemy organization to put a stop to our mission? No, calm down. That's not possible. First impressions are the most important thing when forming a group of friends at school.

(No, it ain't. Had a girl when I transferred into high school that hated that I would read in class, but I got good grades. At the end of my year, we hugged crying cuz she still was in school.)

They must make amends today, no matter what. I'll also do a checkup to see how y/n's doing to make sure nothing goes wrong on her end. She seems to have gotten friendly terms with them, so that seems like a good sign.

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