You shouldn't have done that

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Clearing his throat, the kind man speaks again. "Now for our next question. Could you tell us why you chose to apply to this school?"

"For only one reason, sir." Dad replies.

To get close to my target, Desmond!

"The quality of the instructors at this establishment is superior. Of the course, you are all very knowledgeable and cultured, but when it comes to teaching anything, from patriotism to how to be an elite, the instructors of the prestigious Eden College are second to none." 

The man of elegance closes his eyes and tilts his head down.

Elegantly done, Loid Forger. I knew I saw potential in you.

The kind man hums. "Now then, how would you two describe your daughters? Please let us know about her strengths and weaknesses."

I notice Anya slightly flinches and slowly looks at our parents. Dad is quick to answer. "Anya is an extremely curious child. Her habit of sticking her nose where it doesn't belong could be a sign as a weakness, but she is truly an intelligent child." 

The elegant Housemaster looks over at Anya. 

Elegance?! Her?!

Dad smiles and gestures to the pinkette. "Sometimes, it's like she sees right through me, which keeps me on my feet. I would say her main shortcoming is that she's a picky eater." 

Dad the looks over to me. "And y/n, she has a sense of maturity about her. She always picks up after herself and is quick to help.  She is incredibly intelligent for her age, and knows a thing about responsibility, given her past. A disadvantage I see is that she always puts others before herself when she needs help. She has a hard time to see that she should have pride in herself. I hope over time, she grows self-confidence.

The kind man looks to Mom. "Ah... and how would you describe your parenting style, Madam?" I watch as Mom slightly clench her fists.

Just like we practiced...

"As you already know, I am not their biological mother. At first, I spoiled them quite often in hopes that they would like me. But for the sake of their future, I'm hoping I can be a bit stricter at times."

The kind man nods. "We've been told that your youngest is a picky eater and your oldest has self-confidence issues. What kind of meals do you cook at home? And how do you help your eldest?"

Mom is taken aback by this. "Huh? C-cook? Um..." I take the chance to speak up. "My father and I actually take turns act cooking. Though when we're busy, Mother is kind enough to cook for us.

Not that that's happen even once.

The stout man scoffs at this. "You're joking! What kind of wife and mother can't cook for her family?! You should probably be stricter with yourself before you worry about those children." His words make Mom hang her head in embarrassment.

Dad furrows his brows. "Everyone has strengths and weaknesses." He holds a hand out to Mom. "She is extremely tidy and excels at keeping our house spotless. She is also an excellent mother to my daughters."

Mr. Swan grows agitated. "Yes, well, both of those are things women are expected to do. It's a good thing you have sense to teach your eldest how to cook, you should do the same with your youngest."

Dad goes to argue, but Mom interjects. "I-it's all right, Loid." Dad stops and looks to Mom.

Yes. Calm down. Why are you getting irritated, Twilight? She's not even your real wife.

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