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A few days later, we are all in the living room. Anya is holding her chimera and is doing some sort of dance. "We will be accepted... we will be accepted."

Dad watches with a smile. "What in the world is she doing?" Mom giggles. "Apparently, she's performing a prayer dance to help her and miss y/n get accepted. Dad sweat drops at this. "Oh... I see."

The phone rings and with speed, Dad is on the other side of the room and picks up the phone. "Hello, Forger residence." We listen intently as he nods and hums in agreement. His face is cold as he says, "Goodbye." And hangs up. Silently, Dad turns to us and rummages in his pocket. My nerves tense and I bite the inside of my cheek as I watch him. 

With swiftness, Dad pulls out a party popper and pulls the string, making streams and confetti. "You girls got in!" He shouts happily. I cheer, scooping Anya up in my arms.

Dad hugs the both of us. "You both did a great job!" He laughs and Anya cheers. "We did it!"

Yor clasps her hands together. "Oh, thank goodness! What wonderful new! I'm so happy!" Dad turns to Yor. "Thank you for all you did as well, Yor." 

A knock is heard on the door and I rush over. When I open the door and see who it is, a smile spreads on my face. "Uncle Franky!" The man tussles with my hair. "Heya. I heard you two got in." He looks over to Dad and holds up a bottle of alcohol. "Time to celebrate!" 

I tilt my head. "How did you know already?" Franky smiles at me. "I was watching over the emails for your Dad just in case the number was incorrect. They send the email before calling, so I knew ahead of time." Dad approaches the man and looks down at me. "Sorry, I must've forgot about that. You go get the drinks ready." With a nod, I go back to the living room.

3rd POV

Loid looks at Frank, his lips in a straight line. "You sure found out fast." He notes. Franky holds his free hand close to his mouth as he speaks quietly. "Never underestimate an informant." His eyes land on Yor and walks over to her with a smile. "Oh, you must be the missus. Pleasure to meet you! I'm Loid's friend, Franky!"

Yor lightly bows. "Nice to meet you." Anya points at the man. "Scruffy-scruff!" Franky ignore the nickname and shouts loudly. "Let's get this party started! I got some booze, and I ordered delivery!" Loid glares a bit. "Who do you think you are?"

A little bit later, food is on the table and Franky is speaking so lowly that only Loid can hear him. "This is all thanks to me stealing the answer sheet."

Loid flinches and leans to Franky. "You idiot! They'll hear you!" He shouts in whispers. He looks over at the girls. While y/n and Anya chowing down at the food, reveling in the taste, Yor looks over at him, her cheeks flushed, clearly drunk. "Huh? Wha wuzz zat?" She sways a bit, uncoordinated.

Franky laughs at this. "Are you even drinking, you party pooper?" Loid scoffs at the teasing. "Hmph. Leave me be." Franky follows his demand and turns to the girls. "Isn't it great, girls? Daddy said he'll buy you anything as a reward just for today!"

Loid grows agitated. "Hey! Don't go promising her things like that!" Anya's eyes sparkle. "Anya doesn't want Papa to buy me anything, but I wanna do something!"

Loid is taken aback by this. "Hm? What is it? I don't mind as long as it's doable. Anya gasps happily and gets off her seat. She turns on the TV and puts on something she seemed to record. Her favorite spy show starts to play with a princess pleading to be saved. It then goes on to the spy infiltrating a castle. The spy takes down many enemies and saves the princess, making the episode end on a happy note.

Anya points at the tv. "Anya wants to do that." Loid starts to connect the dots. "What you wanna do? Wait, do you mean..."

Anya holds her arms out as she announces. "I wanna play, save Anya and Sissy from the castle!"

"Nope. Not happening." Loid says in a cold tone, rejecting the idea immediately.

Anya slowly pulls her arms down to her side, and her eyes well up with tears. Franky gets mad at this. "How cruel... you meanie! He pulls y/n down with him and speaks in a girly tone. "I'm not going to school if you don't do this!"

Loid is unfazed by this. "No one asked you to speak for them." Frank looks at the screen and recognizes the scene in the credits. "Oh, hey. I'm pretty sure that's Newston Castle. I heard it was recently remodeled into some cartoon's theme park, but that's definitely it. It's got the same kinds of tricks and traps seen in the show, and you can even rent it out."

Y/n hums at this. "That must be pretty expensive." Franky shakes his head. "Not at all, it's pretty cheap." Franky leans over and whispers to Loid. "The government doesn't have any eyes over there, Loidy Boy, so it wouldn't hurt to have a little bit of fun."

Loid looks away. "But..." Franky is quick to bring up. "After everything they went through to pass, too." He gets down on one knee and rubs both the girls heads. "Doesn't seem fair if you can't get some kind of a reward, huh, kiddo?"

Y/n sighs and hugs Anya, who is sniffling. Loid tenses at this, watching the two girls with guilt creeping into his head. After a bit, he sighs. "All right, then."

Anya stops crying and Franky laughs. "Right, then! Let's strike while the iron's hot! Leave the castle reservation to me. You're in charge of our ride!"

Loid is taken aback by this. "Wha?! You expect us to go today? And you want ME to arrange this?" Franky smirks. "Well, of course! It's for your daughters!"

Anya and I smile up at Dad, who stares at us while Franky walks off. Loid sighs in defeat, knowing he can't back out of this now.

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