Tests to come

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The three of us are now in the trolly, Anya sitting in the middle while hugging my arm. "So, you decided to adopt me while you guys are moving? Why are we looking for a place to stay now?" I ask curiously.

"I spotted a poisonous snake there yesterday. Not a great idea to stay there." Loi-Dad explains. Anya lets go of my arm and look out of the window.

Papa is a huge liar... but he's such a cool liar.

"I wanna live in a castle!" Anya speaks up, her eyes shining at the thought. "We'll see if one's listed," Dad says with a smile, rubbing the little one's head. "Once we get to our new home, you two got to study. You don't mind, do you, y/n?"

I shake my head, not minding that I need to show how much I know. Anya flinches at the thought and leans into me. "This time, you just have to memorize all the answers. After that, we need to find a way to help you learn."

3rd POV

A few days later, Anya is sitting in a large room with other children about her age, all looking down at a sheet of paper in front of them. 

"Alight, begin!" The man in the room announces and the children lean down, grabbing their pencils in the process.

In another room, y/n sits at a lone desk with a woman keeping a keen eye on her. "You may begin." She announces and the teen nods.

I'm counting on you, Anya and y/n. You can do it.

Anya quickly taps into the students' minds around her minds, hoping to get the answers she needs, but is shocked to hear nearly all of them either crying that they don't know the answer or just picking a random answer that seems best. As she looks at the paper again, she remembers Loid helping her see what the answer is. When Anya yells out the answer, y/n looks up from her paper and smiles, congratulating her.

Cutely scrunching up her face, she begins to write down the answers the best she can remember.

Back to y/n, the teacher's sweat drops as she watches the teen's pencil flying on the paper and her tongue sticking out.

Later, the family is on the boards outside, searching through the lines. "K-212." Loid repeats so he can find it.

Y/n lights up and taps on a spot. "Here she is!" She says, grinning widely. Loid spins to Anya and scoops her up. "It's there! You passed!" He laughs. "Did I do it?" Anya wonders. "You bet you did!" Loid confirms, looking up at the pinkette.

Before more can be said, Loid begins to fall backward. Y/n reacts quickly and catches her father. She slowly lies the man down as she addresses the worrying crowd surrounding her. "He's alright! He just got so happy." She then looks down at the man. "Are you hurt, Dad?  I told you, you should eat breakfast, too!"

I relaxed for a second and all my pent-up exhaustion hit me at once. I... relaxed? What the hell is going on with me?

After a few minutes, a zombie-looking, Loid is sitting as he tries to listen to the same woman that observed y/n testing. "I am happy to say that with pride, your eldest daughter not only met the required grade but got the highest score imagined. If all goes well, Eden college will be pleased to have such a transfer here. I do wish... you... are you alright, Mr. Forger?" The woman trailed off, noticing that the man's eye bags are apparent.

"I'm alright, ma'am. But back to the topic, I'm proud to hear that y/n has done fantastic work. I'll see to it that I reward my girls." Loid says, patting the teens' heads softly. Her eyes go wide, and she feels as though a rock is in her throat. She bites the inside of her cheek to hold back the tears in her eyes.

Back at the new home, y/n puts away the bags full of treats while she hugs the (favorite animal) plush under her arm. Anya watches over her father practically dead on the couch.

"Papa died giving us gifts." Anya cries. Y/n peeks over her shoulder and sighs. "I'll cook dinner, tonight, Anya. We should let Dad sleep. What would you like?"

Before the youngest can answer, there is a knock at the door. "I've got some mail for you!" A voice from behind the door pipes up. "Can you get it, Anya? If it's a bad man, yell for me, alright?" Y/n asks and Anya nods, rushing to the door.

Anya opens the door and looks up at the mailman. The man looks down at the little one and asks politely, "Is this the Forger residence?"

Anya hugs the door frame as she answers. "I'm Anya Forger." The man nods and looks through the papers in his bag. "Can you give this to your mommy or daddy?" He pulls out a letter and bends down to her level. 

"My mama doesn't exist," Anya says plainly, shocking the mailman. "Oh, really? I'm sorry..." The man apologizes with a sympathetic look.

Anya glides airplane-style to Loid. "Papa! The mailman came!" She sings and taps his face with the letter. 

Silence fills the air and y/n looks in the living room to see why there's no sound. Y/n steps back as she sees Anya cuddling in Loid's arms with a smile.

Flowers dance around the teen as her cheeks redden. She quickly, but quietly runs off to the cupboard by the tv.

So cute! I have to get a picture. I'm sure Dad will love this.

Y/n creeps to the two with a camera. Once she gets close, she quickly takes a pick pic. She looks at the photo taken, admiring the shot she got. She then sets down the camera on the coffee table and goes to get up until Anya suddenly grabs her wrist.

The girl yelps as she looks at the sleeping duo. There is no change in Loid's face. She looks at Anya, who's tugging the older one's hand. "Come nap with us, Sissy!" She begs.

Y/n shakes her head as she whispers. " There isn't room on the couch, Anya!" Anya pouts and tears are pricking her eyes. The teen is stricken with guilt, and she sighs. She sits down on the floor in front of the couch. Anya quickly drapes one of Loid's arms on y/n's shoulder. Y/n leans her head on the cushion and closes her eyes.

After a while, Loid shoots up from his spot and looks around. This scares y/n to fall on the floor, bonking her head in the process. "What are you two doing?! You shouldn't do that when I'm asleep, I could hurt you badly!" Loid scolds the girls before noticing the eldest is rubbing her head. "Oh, I'm sorry, y/n. Does it hurt badly?" He asks and the teen shakes her head. He looks over to Anya. "Did I hurt you?" Anya shakes her head and holds up the letter. "Mail's here." She says.

The three all read the letter on the couch. "it's a letter from Eden College." He mutters. "What's the matter, Papa?" Anya asks while y/n lens closer to get a better look.

"The second phase of the admission process is a family interview. It is important that the applicant attends with both parents. Absolutely no exceptions. Says the same thing for transfers. Your interviews are going to be side by side."

"But Mama doesn't exist." Anya notes and y/n takes the paper to get a better look. "Why must society think that the best children have both parents. Many capable people have been raised by a single parent or no parents at all."

"While that is true, y/n, neither of you can get accepted unless we find you a mother." Loid sighs. Y/n hums and looks at the paper. "I just hope whoever we find is okay with this."

Spy x family (reader insert)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang