Begin the final interview

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The Forgers successfully make it to the actual interview.

In the interview room, a stout man leers at the family. "You truly thought you could apply to our school without even knowing that?"

"Huh?" The son asks, taken aback by this. The man nearly laughs at this. "Well? Cat got your tongue?" He sneers, watching as the boy trembles before him. The interview ends and the family walks out.

The Forgers watch as the father scolds the son. "What kind of answer was that?!" He demands and the little boy begins to wail. Loid only watches them with calculating eyes.

I've been a spy for over a decade, and for the first time... I'm actually nervous. Even when I infiltrated the ranks of an evil terrorist group, or when I manage to stop the launch of a missile with one second remaining... I never found it so hard to breathe as I do right now. The fear of letting someone else decide my success or failure...

Anya gulps at this, scared at how her dad is thinking.

A man opens the door and holds a hand out to inside the room. "Next, the Forgers." With a nod, the family gets up from the seat. They all make their way to the room. 

Yes, this is going to be... the most crucial moment of Operation Strix!

The stout man looks up from his paper and to the family. "Please, have a seat."

Loid gives a curt nod. "Thank you for having us." The Housemaster glances at the family. 

So, you've come, Forgers. The Forgers shall prevail in this game of information warfare.

Y/n's POV

We all situate ourselves in our seats. Since I was also being interview myself, a similar single chair is brought in, and I sit across from Anya. A kinder looking gentleman with a smile speaks up. "First, we will begin by asking the parents a few questions."

The housemaster of Dorm 5, Malcom Hall. Mild-manner, sincere, and conservative. The students are very fond of him. As long as we respond with sincere, logical answers, we'll score highly with him.

The housemaster of dorm 5 speaks up. "I was informed that this is your second wife. May I ask how you met?"

I see we're getting straight to the point. Eden college does not prioritize family values, after all.

With his face only holding focus, Dad answers. "I met my wife at the tailor shop that handles this school's uniforms, and I was in awe of her grace. Ever since I lost my first wife, I was hesitant to pursue another relationship because of my daughters. But the more she spoke, the more I felt that she was a kindred spirit. She is truly kind and cares dearly about family. I came to the conclusion that she'd get along with my daughters."

The man smiles and looks to Mom. "Ah... and what about you, Madam?" Mom straightens up and gives a smile while her cheeks are red. "Well... L-Loid is a wonderful person who truly cares for his daughters. He is also very considerate of me."

The kind man chuckles and turns to me. "And I understand you were adopted, correct? Could you tell me how Loid chose you in the orphanage?" I raise my head a bit and look the gentleman in the eyes.

Remember, you guys met a couple years ago. They don't need to know the full truth.

"Actually, I never been to an orphanage. For many years I have been raising myself." The kind man is taken aback. I continue.  "When I was old enough to work, I got myself a job and lived in a small apartment in the... not so nicest place in town. I took myself to school, made my own food, and earned my keep. My father found me a few years ago because I was attacked. He took me to a hospital and found out there that I am all by myself. Once I got discharged, he presented me with adoption papers."

"Ah, I see. What a fine, independent young woman you have turned out to be." He then looks to Dad while I try to hold back a grin. "I'm happy to hear that you have such a loving family."

The stout man in the middle then speaks up. "Why would a beautiful girl like you choose to be with a man who's got baggage?"

The housemaster who was excitable, turn to the man. "That was rather uncouth, Master Swan."

The housemaster of Dorm 2, Cline Hall. He's the only son of the former headmaster, and a legacy hire. Arrogant, greedy and callous. His wife filed for divorce last month, and he just lost custody of his daughter, as well. Reviewing all of his previous interview questions and comments, he is clearly jealous of other families, and takes out his frustrations on them. It's best that we avoid provoking him.

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