The welcoming ceremony

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(Owl House is out if you wanna read it!)

At the school, a man dressed in graduation robes talks to the parents and students on the bleachers. "You are truly the chosen. Due to your hard work, or perhaps your parents, you have made it to the hallowed halls of Eden. To our honorable new 228 students and newest transfers... congratulations and welcome to our school." Everyone claps at this, filling the room with the sound. "Everyone here at Eden welcomes you from the bottom of our hearts."

Loid's face remains stoic as the girls of the Forgers all smile.

We finally made it this far...

Anya is looking around frantically. "Papa, a lot of people are wearing the same thing I am." Loid's face remains the same. "Yes, that's what a uniform is."

I still have mountains of problems to tackle, but...

He recalls the words Handler has told him. 

"Listen up, Twilight. There are requirements to attend Desmond's social gathering. The student must be an Imperial Scholar. And for that, they must receive plenty of merits. Do not forget the future of the East and West depends on this mission."

Loid looks at Anya and y/n from the corner of his eye. 

Turning these two into an elite... y/n has potential, but I've mostly given up on that task on Anya.

Hearing her father's words, Anya is shocked by this. Loid doesn't notice this, however. 

This school is already filled with the best of the best. It'll be difficult to maintain a top position. More importantly...

The man at the stand continues. "Next, we will announce the houses and their housemasters. Please come forward when your name is called. Class one: Specter Hall. William Howard." 

As the names are being called, Anya hums. "I wonder what class I will be in." Loid smiles. "Who knows."

Actually... I do. Because I changed parts of the lineups to help me with my missions. To ensure that Anya...

A name is called and a boy stands up. "Damian Desmond."

would be in the same class as him. The third son of my target, Donovan Desmond... Damian.

A boy with golden brown eyes and dark brown hair walks to his class with a haughty smile. 

That's Lord Damian to you.

Loid watches the boy closely, observing him.

He got into Eden just like his older brothers. I've had my eye on him ever since I saw his name on the lists of students applying. If plan A to get Anya to become an Imperial student is difficult we'll go to plan B. I call it... the Friendship Scheme. Y/n will have the same thing, but her plan B is a little different. 

For Anya, step one is to be in the same class as him and become friends. Step two: be invited to his house and bring me along. Step three: direct contact with the target! I'm sure it won't actually go that easily, but the more insurance we have, the better. And Y/n's...

"Anya Forger." The family perks up at the name and Loid smiles at his daughter. "Go ahead." He urges.

Anya must have grown up around kids her age at the orphanage for years. I'll put her faith in her communication skills.

Anya stops when she sees Damian.

That's the evil boss's kid.

Damian notices the girl's gaze and looks at her lazily.

What's with her?

He then smirks and raises a brow.

Oh, I see. She's already realized how amazing I am and has fallen for me. You've got good taste, girlie.

Anya reads the boy's mind and this makes a tic mark appear and she stomps off to her spot. The boy only scoffs.

Playing hard to get, I see. Cute.

Anya reaches her spot and lets out a sigh of annoyance mixed with a bit of disgust. "Nice to meet you!" A girl behind Anya says. The girl has black hair in pigtails and a hairpin. Loid suppresses a gasp when he sees the girl behind his daughter. 

That's... the daughter of the CEO of the major military contractor, Blackbell. What?! And behind her is the daughter of the vice president of parliament! And among the boys, there's the son of one of the key members of the secret service! Her classmates are a treasure trove of intel! Make sure you become friends with all of them, Anya!

Yor notices Loid's determination and giggles.

Loid gets so worked up when it comes to his daughters.

Y/n also smiles, but she still feels nervous.

I hope my classmates are friendly.

The girl behind Anya speaks up again. "I'm Becky! What's your name?" The girl smirks.

She looks like a baby. I guess I wouldn't mind taking care of her for a bit.

Anya hears the thought and turns away with a huff. This shocks Becky and Loid. The man at the stand speaks up. "Those will be the 29 students in class three. And you will be under the tutelage of Master Henderson."

Yor smiles at this. "Oh, it's the nice teacher." Y/n smiles as well, happy about this. Loid sighs in relief in his mind.

So he didn't get fired after all. I feel it is unfair for a housemaster to have to teach new students, but I guess it could've been much worse.

The housemaster observes the students before him.

I'll just have to whip these rugrats into shape like I used to.

Anya flinches at this and the man at the stand finishes up. "And now, the new students will accompany their homeroom teachers on a tour of the campus, then head to their respective classrooms." All the parents clap at this as the kids walk off. "During that time, there will be a meet and greet in Tower C's lounge for the guardians." Loid watches Anya walk with her class.

Do your best, Anya. You'll be on your own from here on out.

Anya hears her dad and turns to him, saluting. The housemaster points at Anya. "You there! Stay in line!" Anya yelps at this and Loid sighs. "I'm so worried." Yor smiles sympathetically. "It is always nerve-racking to send them off into the world." I totally understand."

A woman approaches the family and bows. "Hello, I am here for y/n Forger." The family perks up and looks at her. The woman smiles. "I am Professor Pinson of the business' class. I hope you don't mind, I will be giving you the tour with these two."

The woman steps aside and Loid recognizes them as the agents that will be posing as students, luckily, the boy know that he had his mask on and didn't speak the last time he met her, so he was confident he wouldn't be recognized. "These will be your new students from America at their last years, Adam and...

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