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The sky goes dark, and the Forger's are now making their way up the steps to their apartment. Loid holds onto Anya, who is nuzzling into her dad. "The ooting is over!" Anya proclaims and Loid sighs. What a day. Y/n yawns into her hand, trying to fool her family that she's tired.

Yor stops, watching the three walk to the door. Her cheeks go red, and she smiles at them with a tilted head. "Mama!" Anya calls out, catching the older three of the family's attention. 

"I want some hot cocoa, please!" Anya requests and Yor nods. "As you wish." She says and catches up with her new family.

As Yor and y/n prepare the drinks and Anya watches from the counter, Loid turns to them from his chair. "Hey, more importantly, we need to retry this mock interview."

With a nod, Loid is back in his outfit from earlier today and looks to Anya, seated on the couch. "So, Miss Anya, how do you spend your days off?" Lod asks, adjusting his glasses.

"We go to the opera and the museum, and eat at restaurants," Anya answers in a loud voice. Loid smiles widely and points to Anya. "Yes! Exactly! If you're asked this question, make sure you talk about today." he then looks at his notes. "Okay, next question. You've seen your friend do something naughty. What will you do?"

Anya looks up in thought and looks back to Loid. "I'd jump on them, beat them up, and make them eat the foulest meal!"

Loid sags into defeat. "Hmm... pretend you never saw that, okay?" He pleads.

Yup, this is hopeless. I'm done.

"Papa, you were so cool!" Anya shouts with her hands up and to y/n who's walking with Yor and a tray of drinks in her hands. "And Sissy went after the bad guy like a hero!"

Y/n and Anya flinch at the words. "I mean, you were nearly, almost, not too close, as a superhero!" She says a bit panicking. Y/n takes a deep breath and weakly smiles, the tray in her hands shaking.

Anya decides it's best to quiet down and joins in grabbing a cup from the tray set down on the coffee table. The two girls take a slow slip and sigh in satisfaction.

My, what a lovely family you are.

Loid leans down and takes a cup of his own.

I guess if she saw us that way... about one percent of my preparations are complete.

As the family is enjoying their drink, Loid glances over at y/n now and then.

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