Family ooting

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"Let's broaden our horizons, become versed in what is normal for an upper-class family, and make sure that we're all on the same page," Loid explains as everyone is now dressed comfortably yet fashionably.

As they are walking, Anya raises her arms high with each step as she sings. "We're on an ooting, an ooting, la la la lah!"

"You mean outing." Loid corrects the girl. Anya ignores Loid and holds out a hand to Yor. "Mama, wanna hold hands?" She asks. Yor happily grasps Anya's hand as she responds, "I-if you don't mind." The woman then holds out a hand to y/n. "Would you like to join?" She asks and y/n shyly nods and holds onto the outstretched hand.

Thank goodness Anya and y/n have taken a liking to her. The plan is set. After today, we'll seem like a We'll be seen as an upper-crust family.

Oh... this reminds me of when my little brother was small and adorable. And that one time I hugged him too hard and ended up breaking two of his ribs. I must be careful.

Suddenly, Anya breaks from Yor's hold and runs to hide behind a brick plantar. Yor reaches out to Anya and y/n looks confused.

Wait... what? Maybe not...

 Yor tries to brush off the sinking feeling as Loid approaches her and Yor. "B-by the way, where are we headed?" She asks. Loid reaches into his coat and pulls something out. "I've acquired a variety of tickets through my connections at work." He explains, showing the ticket to us.

The family is sitting in the seats of an opera, listening to a woman sing in a high-pitched tone.

Tradition and status are everything at Eden College. We'll have to experience and get accustomed to the best that life has to offer and make sure we don't slip up if we let our guard down.

Loid looks over to see Anya fast asleep, Yor watching in fascination, and y/n having a neutral face.

All right, next.

The Forgers arrive at a museum and Loid whispers, "Anya, no yelling while we're here." To which she nods. "Kay."

We've experienced first-class music, so now for some first-class art... and you know the rest.

"Papa! I can see her boobies!" Anya shouts, pointing to a painting. She then runs to a statue that has no head and a statue of a head. "Head' been choppy-chopped! The body's been choppy-chopped!" She laughs as Loid scolds. "What did I just say about yelling?"

Loid notices Yor staring at a painting in awe. "Yor?" Loid asks, approaching the woman. He goes to touch her shoulder until he notices that she's staring at a guillotine. Loid then notices that y/n is missing, and he panics.

Not wanting to cause problems by calling out for his kid, he looks to Yor. "Can you watch Anya, I'm gonna go find y/n." He requests. After Yor agrees, Loid walks off. After arriving at the relics found by architects, he sees the teen looking over a stone plaque with the text of a dead language written on this.

There she is. Hmm, wonder why she's inspecting that.

Oh, so that's where the Egyptian treasure from Anubis is. Wonder what it could be. A legendary weapon?

"Y/n, don't run off, please," Loid says as he walks over to the teen. Y/n turns to him and bows. "Sorry, Dad. I didn't mean to worry you." She says in a rush. Loid places his hand on y/n's head. "Just tell me where you are going, I don't want to leave you behind." 

Y/n nods and the two go to catch up to Yor and Anya. The four of them then reach the kid's place where kids could freely draw. Anya looks to her parents and points to it. "I wanna do that!"

"Drawing? Sure." Loid says and turns to the other girls. "Why don't we sit down for a bit?" He suggests and the girls nod.

As Anya is drawing, she talks to herself. "Anya's house is a big castle. The boss of the secret organization is Director Chimera. Papa is a spy! Pew, pew! Mama is an assassin! Stabby, stabby, sploosh! Sissy is a superhero! Punch, punch, beating up bad guys!"

 Loid takes a look at his watch. "We should probably get going." He tells the girls and they nod. As the adults and teen are walking to Anya, she takes a step back and admires her work. "All done!"

"Anya, we're going to our next stop," Loid tells the girl, which makes her panic.

If Papa, Mama, and Sissy see this, they'll find out about my powers!

Anya tries to cover the drawing with her body, but Loid can still see. "Wow, that's quite a masterpiece." He admires. "There seems to be a pig in the forest."

"That's Mr. Chimera, and he lives in a castle!" Anya corrects her father. "I see. I definitely see Bondman there, though. It's that spy cartoon you were watching last week. So, the witch-looking one must be the princess. That part seems rather graphic. Oh, but that cat is cute."

"That's a doggy!" Anya shouts. "I see. Then I apologize." Anya stops hiding the drawing and wipes her forehead in relief. "We're going to the tailor next," Loid informs us.

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