A little poem

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I can't sleep and I've been so busy with work and college that my anxiety and ADHD have been on the high. So! I wanna write something and show it off.

A little cubed box is where I sit

Staying away from things that make me tick

It is messy, so I need to clean it up now and then

But it's still a place where I find my Zen

My walls are covered with things I like

From pictures of fictional people to things I've found on a lonely hike

Not many people see inside my cube

Some who have, left my head to droop

My family knows about my cube and let me be

But sometimes it sometimes takes a drag for me to be leaving

I've had friends that come into my cube and have them keep it on the down low

But sooner or later, that friend will go

I run to my cube when I'm upset

When I'm getting yelled at or I did bad on a test

My cube is a part that I can't forget

Because it's a piece of my mindset

I am a battery and my cube is my charger

So leaving it becomes harder

I like having friends, and I thought they liked having me

But I feel like I'm retreating into me

When I'm quiet, I'm not hating our moment together

I just like your presence, and you'll tell whenever

I'll be silent for one second then ratting the next

Because I wanna show my cube not through text

You shouldn't feel honored are proud, I'd never ask for that

I'll only ask if you'd like to know more whatever I spat

So please don't hate my cube, unless you hate me

So please come by whenever you please

If I don't let you in, don't think I hate you

It's just my cube is messy and I wanna clean it up for you

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