Talk on breakfast

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After the incident on the first day in school, Loid is in the kitchen by himself, mindlessly stirring in a bowl and his eyes narrow in thought.

The man who threatens the peace between the East and the West... Donovan Desmond. In order to get closer to him, I successfully had Anya and y/n enroll in Eden College, the school his sons attend. Next, in order to attend the social gathering that Desmond goes to. I need the girls to obtain eight merits called "Stella" so that they can become Imperial Scholars.

Loid pours the mixture into the pan and keeps cooking with no trouble while he's focused on something else.

To make this all happen at a prestigious school, however, would not be easy. That is why I have formulated two plan B's, "The Friendship Scheme" and "The Dating Scheme". In the friendship one, I was hoping to have Anya get closer to Desmond's son, Damian, which in turn would hopefully connect us as their parents. But on the first day, she ended up punching Damian, earned a Tonitrus Bolt, and left their friendship in shambles.

As Loid put ketchup on the Omurice, the bottle sputters and spurts ketchup over the dish. Loid sighs

Alas, it's too early to give up on Anya. This plan has only just begun. Luckily, Y/n has made progress on both plans. Not only was she able to get a Stella for getting the highest score on the entrance exam, but she will be under the wing of Dante at school. With y/n's kind nature, I'm sure she'll have no issue becoming friends with him... although there is the fact that she's not completely comfortable in making friends, so I need to make sure to encourage her.

A little later, the mother and eldest daughter walk into the room, Yor still in nightwear while Y/n is in uniform. "Good morning..." Yor yawns tiredly. "Good morning, girls, Breakfast is ready." 

Looks like the four of us are getting used to the life as a family.

"Is Anya still asleep?" Loid asks as he sets down the drink on the table. He turns to see Anya peeking out of the corner in her PJ, a guilty look on her face as her eyes are downcast. She shrinks back a bit and Loid senses the feeling of his youngest. 

She's still worried about what happened yesterday?

Loid holds out a hand, his face neutral. "Come on out. I won't get mad." He then turns to get into his seat. "Eat quickly, or you'll be late." Anya begrudgingly follows, slipping her nightcap off. Once she's situated and is eating her breakfast, she speaks up. "I'm sorry I'm bad at school."

Yor looks downcast, her guilt warding off her sleepiness. "No, that was my fault." Loid looks over at Anya.  "There's no point in worrying about the past. Just make sure you don't get into any more fights." Anya brightens up at this, not expecting that response to her apology. Y/n nods and takes a bite out of her toast. "If you have any trouble with students, let the teacher know right away, and if that doesn't help, let me know, I'll help out wherever I can."

If that Damian kid still gives her a hard time, I could always try to get him to forgive Anya by talking to her... or there's the threatening with Mesanychta... no, I shouldn't threaten a child. Maybe I can go to Dante for help... if he's willing to help me.

Loid speaks up, snapping the girls out of their own train of thought. "Okay, come on. Cheer up. Your classes start today." Anya and Y/n nod before going back to eating as Yor admiringly smiles at her husband. "You're so kind, Loid." Loid does not respond to the remark. 

Figuring out what we can do is far more constructive than dwelling on the past. Besides, it would be much worse if she somehow got sick of school and didn't want to go anymore. I need their school life to go as smoothly as possible for the sake of this mission.

The bus arrives and the girls get to a seat where they can look out a window to be face-to-face with their parents. "Oh, Anya, make sure to apologize to Damian at school today. Got it?" Anya nods and Loid looks at y/n. "And you make sure that you ask your guides if you get lost or confused, they're here to help, and don't forget to make friends at your own pace." Y/n nods and the bus starts to take off.

As the bus drives off, Yor waves widely as she shouts after them. "Do your best and be good girls!" Once the bus is far away, she stops waving and turns away. "It's time for us to head to work, too." Loid slightly nods at this, but his eyes stay on the vehicle getting smaller the farther away it gets, his face staying neutral as he thinks of the severity of the situation.

I'm counting on you, Anya, and y/n. 

As the bus drives on, Anya begins to kick her feet enough they won't hit the seat in front of her as she makes up a song about her going to school. However, y/n is in deep thought.

Now that I think about it... I don't really recall trying to make friends before. I know that there is something common about how one person would befriend another. And Dad is adamant that I make one... perhaps my guides can be my first ones. The girl Angel Citrine doesn't seem to like the type who wants to make friends. Still, it wouldn't hurt to try to befriend her. Judging how she acted today, she's quite serious and is well-versed in what she knows. Be nice to talk to someone about about certain subjects, perhaps we and Dante can have study sessions, I always wanted to do those. As for Dante... he seems really happy talking to me, I should formally ask him soon if he would like to be my friend.

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