Reminders and a new friend?

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Becky follows behind Anya, as she tries to clear things up. "You mean it'll put a damper on your peaceful school life? I mean, yeah...who knows what that boy will try to do?" She then hops on Anya's back and hugs her. "But don't worry. I'm on your side, Anya! I'll protect you, no matter what." Anya brightens up at this. "Oh, okay then."

The janitor behind them, who is Loid in disguise, jolts at this. 

No, it's not!

Anya hears her dad's voice and looks at the janitor who is mopping furiously.


She chimes into her dad's mind as he thinks to himself.

I need to find a way to tell her how important that apology is!

In science class, the kids are now outside, listening as the teacher talks. "As you can see, you can reflect the sun's rays using a mirror. The spot where the light hits will feel warm. Next, let's try an experiment using two mirrors." 

Anya notices something by her feet and looks down to see a reflection with some words on it. "Fortune for good little children: It is good to apologize today."

Is that you, God?!

Loid watches Anya looking around with panic, holding the mirror that is reflecting the words.

Apologize, Anya. Reconcile with him.

Anya freezes and she feels a horrifying shiver run through her body.

I suddenly feel this intense pressure.

In language class, the teacher reads a book and the students follow along with their own books. "And that's when John made up his mind. Even if he were to be left out, he was going to see his beliefs through. And then John never apologized to anyone ever again." Anya is confused as she sees the words in her book do not match the words the teacher is saying.

"But then John reflected upon his actions and thought sometimes, it's just better to admit you're and get along with others.

My textbook seems different from everyone else's...

Loid watches from the classroom, putting away his pen with a sigh.

That's all I can do right now until it's lunchtime. I should probably go to see how y/n's doing.

With y/n

The girl smiles as Angel, Dante, and Aedin laugh, biting the inside of her cheek to prevent her from laughing herself. They were now outside, doing free time so they can get to know each other better. Angel wipes a tear from her eye as she finishes her story. "And then he said 'I thought you would agree with me since I'm your friend'. We only know each other for a week and he thought I would agree that (worst book ever) is good?"

Aedin sighs. "I can't believe he said that. Did he read it?" Y/n hums before speaking up. "The book is commonly used as an excuse to show that people like to read. They think it's a pass that would impress them with their reading selection when it's commonly known with real readers that it's a mockery that the author made for giggles."

(NOT USING ANY BOOK HERE! I am not insulting someone's work so I'm saying an author made the worst book ever on purpose to trick nonreaders by trying to pretend they are readers)

As the other three see what the girl means, a book slams onto the table, making them flinch. They look to see deep blue eyes with long black hair matching her pale skin that she's a bit fitter than the other girls in this school. She smiles as she sits between y/n and Dante, looking right at the boy.

"Dante, so good to see you." Her face then turns to a pout. "You haven't let me catch up with you. You know that makes me sad when I'm left alone." She gets her face close to him, but he backs up slightly with annoyance. "Hi... Audrey." He calls her once he remembers her name.

"Good afternoon, Lady Astor." Aedin greets, only to freeze at the cold gaze that he receives. "Um, hello," Y/n says, making Audrey look at her with a bored tone. "I'm y/n Forger. It's a pleasure to meet the daughter of the Astor's. I am fascinated with the way your family has exceeded over the years with your fashion along with your political stances."

Audrey raises a brow at this. "You know of my family?" She asks, her gaze turning cold on the girl, but due to her not reading the social cues, she nods. "Yes! The fact your family has created a line of reusable fabrics and used it as a fundraiser for the banked good for families who have trouble is amazing. And the green dress with the exposed back looks fantastic on you! It's truly an honor to meet someone like you. Not to mention I meet the family who helps the army get the supplies needed for soldiers like the Citrines, A family of doctors and surgeons that work hard to save lives like the Goldbergs, and the Desmonds, who work hard for political safety. To think that this is how my day goes makes me happy!"

Everyone stays quiet for a bit, not sure how they should respond to such praise that they have received. Audrey stands up suddenly and scoffs. "Well, someone likes to do their research." She says before walking off. Y/n takes a moment to think about what the girl said before her face goes red and she hides it. 

"I am so sorry! I didn't mean to say all that! Oh gosh, you all must be weirded out about me!" She says, shaking her head back and forth until Angel grabs her wrist and pulls them off to show y/n's face. "Hey, it's okay. It's not like we get such high compliments from someone, and I personally liked it. You know about us and never said a bad thing about us like other people we know. I think it's nice."

Aedin nods. "I'm happy you think of my family like that, and you know what you're talking about." Dante falls to the ground, his eyes swirling with dizziness and his face is red.

That was so cute. What did I do to deserve to see my savior rant? I'll forever treasure it.

In the distance, Loid sighs at what he saw.

Well, that was great. But  Audrey Astor... I need to keep an eye on her. If the rumors are true, y/n could be in trouble.  I can't risk her getting into the dangerous sights of that girl. After she sent all those students to a hospital.

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