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 Loid pushes up his glasses and slicks back his hair so he can look professional. "Eden College is one of the most prestigious schools in the country. During the interview, not only will the children be evaluated, but so will the parents. They will be evaluated on their social standing as well as how cultured they are. Understood?"

Y/n nods as she puts away a small book she was reading, making Loid glance at it. Anya and Yor also nod along, and Loid continues. "Now, let's start the questions. First, please state your name and address."

Anya becomes determined and she speaks with hesitation. "Anya Fo... Fo... Horger. Address? She asks, confused by the word. "The place we're at right now," Loid explains and Anya lights up. "This is Anya's house!"

"That's not what I meant." Loid sighs. "Er, so, Miss Anya... how do you spend your days off?" He asks fixing his gaze on the pinkette. "Papa orders Sissy and me to stay home, so she and I have to watch TV or play together all alone." Anya naively answers.

Now, wait a second.

"That makes a terrible impression. Madam?" Loid then turns to Yor, who flinches at the sudden attention. "Why did you choose Eden College, and how do you plan to pass this exam?" Yor looks to the side. "How do people normally pass? Um, pass, passing... perhaps because of cardiac arrest, or excessive bleeding?" She guesses in a flustered state. "Or compound fractures throughout the body? Oh! Maybe their skull was caved in.

Loid tries to forget the answer and asks another question. "Could you describe your parenting methods?" Yor becomes more flustered at this. "Huh? U-um... strike first to be victorious?"

I'm amazed her brother turned out to be a decent human being.

Loid then turns to y/n. "What makes you think you are capable of keeping up with the children your age here?" He asks and y/n straightens up. "I have been known to understand and take in information more than most people. This college has proven to be a challenge, and I want to further my knowledge the best I can." She says, placing her hands on her lap. Loid nods and takes off his glasses.

I've been a spy for over a decade. I've completed countless missions, yet only now do I find myself losing heart. The only person who seems to have a chance of passing is y/n.

Loid gets up from his seat and turns his back to the girls. "This is pointless. There's no way we'll survive the interview at this rate. Let's give up on getting her into that school." Loid says in a defeated tone. "Loid! Please remember your late wife's wishes!" Yor begs and y/n looks worried that she might have answered wrong.

Clearly, we weren't ready for this mock interview yet.

Loid ruffles his hair back into its usual look and turns to the girls. "All right, let's go out for a bit." The girls nod and all head to their respective rooms until Loid stops y/n. 

"Y/n, I do appreciate you reading the book about proper etiquette, but listen to me when I say, you're doing a good job." He says with a smile.

I can't have her overexert herself, it could harm her health. And I'm sure she could use some encouraging words.

Loid notices y/n's eyes watering and a shaky smile before she nods and quickly rushes off.

Dang it, why do I have to be so weak to compliments? He shouldn't be giving me any, I'm not worthy of them.

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