Apology and new feelings

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Lunchtime soon arrives and all the students gather in the cafeteria. As they all gather into their own group of friends that they made, one of the teachers informs them about what to do. "New students, you can order whatever you'd like for lunch."

Becky takes a look at the menu and sees all the options she can choose to eat. "huh... well, they're nowhere near as talented as my chef." She flicks her hair smugly. Anya doesn't reply to that and she points to what she spotted. "Anya wants omelet rice!"

Right when the food arrives, the word sorry is written all over the plate with ketchup, making the small girls stare at it with shock. Over to a man serving all the kid's food, it turns out to be Loid, who is watching them from the corner of his eye.

I hope she does it soon, this is extremely important. I wonder how y/n is doing?

His eyes wander to his eldest retrieving her food with a smile on her face, she could feel herself getting giddy at the sight of the well-prepared food on her plate.

Wow. I don't think I ever had food like this! Usually, I have to buy cheap stuff or make my own. I bet my taste buds will be singing in delight!

As the girl walks down the rows of tables, humming to herself as she looks for an empty spot to enjoy her meal, a voice pipes up. "Hey, y/n, over here!" Her head snaps to the owner and it's Angel waving her over with a big grin. Y/n quickly makes her way over to the girl and realizes Aedin and Dante are with her, all of them seeming to not have dug into their food just yet. As she gets closer to the table, Audrey sits herself down on the last available seat on the table, leaving no room on the table.

As the three new friends glare at the girl, y/n is unbothered by this and reaches the table with a smile on her face. "Hey guys, did you need something?" She asks them, and they become a bit confused by this. "Um, well, we were trying to make you sit with us until someone came along." Aedin glances over to Audrey with a hint of glare in his eyes. Audrey smirks at this and acts like she doesn't know what he means, but soon falls because of the next words that enter her ears.

"Oh, it's fine. I usually eat and study by myself when I went to school cuz people thought I was weird, so nothing to worry about it." The smile on y/n's face made it even more believable... and concerning. 

Without much words being spoken, Aedin quickly gets up and ushers the people next to him so there's room for the sister at the end of the table and Angel ushers the girl to sit down with them with no argument from the other two. Even Audrey couldn't think of something snarky to say.

Y/n didn't take in what she said due to the cafeteria workers serving her favorite dish.

Loid can't hear what the group of kids was saying, but by judging the way the other kids made her sit with them, he was sure that it was going well. His eyes move to the door, and he sees Damian and his gang walk in.

Anya perks up at this. "Ah! Third son!" She calls out and Becky makes a disgusted face. "Ew, go eat in your dorm. " She tells them, but the trio ignores her and continues on. Anya stands up going to follow them. "I have to apologize." Becky quickly grasps her friend's sleeve. "No, you don't. They're the ones at fault." Loid glares at the girl stopping his daughter.

That stupid little brat!



Loid shakes his head to rid of the scare he got from talking with author-san, his mind goes back to Becky and he rushes out of the food court.

I need to get her away from Anya.

As Loid rushes off, another worker notices him and yells. "Hey, newbie! Where are you going?!" But it falls on deaf ears as Loid is already gone.

A moment later. the speakers let out an announcement. "Becky Blackbell from class 1-3. Come to the student hall in Tower A immediately." Becky stops from taking a bite from her food and looks up. "Huh? But I'm still eating." She rightfully complains, looking at her plate of spaghetti. "Now!" The announcer shouts, making Becky put her fork on her tray and walk away with a grunt of frustration. Anya watches her friend leave before getting out of her seat. 

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