Chapter 12

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2 days passed, and at first, everything was calm as Antrir had mostly been sleeping and eating all day. he was as calm as a lazy fat cat. But it turns out that it was just the calm before the storm as now he has decided that he was done with sleeping and is now very playful. He has been and is still running around the house, climbing things, running this over, crashing as he tries to fly but fails and sometimes he almost put things on fire if it wasn't for Noa and Xyll being fast enough to put it out. Everywhere except in the house except the library is now in a complete mess with things either on the floor or have claw marks on them. Noa of being due any day now can of course not keep up with the little dragonling and while Xyll tries to capture him he has of yet always managed to escape at the critical moment. And because of all the chaos, she has left Gaia to play outside

Noa did not realize until today that the military discipline that was drilled into her since she was 17 would be so useful when dealing with a cute little terror, aka a dragonling. A normal person would be furious if someone tore their home apart like a tornado, of course, most would not blame it on the child they would still feel a little upset with them. After all who would want to not only clean up this mess but also spend money on the things that got destroyed? Yes, her training did not go to waste as she is not mad at all just a little stressed and defeated as she sits at the kitchen table that has miserably been left alone and drinks chrysanthemum tea. It is an item she has reasonably found among the thing the creator has given her as a starter back. In fact, there have been many new discoveries in her pantries in the last 5 months.

Noa:" Xyll do you think that you can get him outside and play with him there, just keep him away from the chicken coop and nothing will get destroyed!"

Xyll: " Easier said than done, she is as slippery as a fish!" She responds as she tries her 37 attempts to catch him, but he suddenly turns around, jumps past her, and climbs up a cupboard.

Xyll:" You little rascal, if it wasn't for my actual form not fitting in this house, there is no way that you would not be this arrogant. You really are your father's son. "

Noa:" He is just having fun, how is that arrogant and does your husband really turn our house upside down like this?"

Xyll: "No but he is not helping clean up the mess either, oh, how jealous i am when i hear that other dragon's husbands are good at domestic affairs and help around the home. " She says as she tries to catch him again, but still misses. But then suddenly the little dragon stops for a second and looks over at Noa, he makes a little reptilian squeak and runs over to her. She finds his reaction a little strange but that is when something happens. She drops her cup of tea and as she almost falls and slams her face on the table she quickly slams her hands on the table for support. Seeing this the dragonling licks her face with concern, even though he is just 2 days old he instinctively knew that something was happening to her before it happened. It is important to note that sensing something like this is not a comment train among dragons. Although their senses are a lot stronger than humans they are not like dogs and cats that can predict things like seizures. Instead, all their instincts are purely for battle and detecting danger. Doing what he just did is not unheard of but it is uncommon. And dragons like these most often than not become healers. It is said that only 1 in 3000 dragons have this ability and with dragons not having a large population as pregnancy takes very long and the chance of the little dragonlings falling prey to magical beasts, humans, and even other dragons. Before they even hatch the numbers are hypnotised to be around 12000. Not to mention the fact that most female dragons can only give birth twice in their life with only a few exceptions. 

Xyll: " What happened?" She says worryingly as she walks towards her.

Noa: " I ... th... think I... am about... to give birth."

Xyll:" What, what do I do, what do I do!?, humans give birth to live children right... how does that work... how can I She panics.

Noa:" ... (Grunt) Firts carry me to bed."

Xyll:" OK." She says as she quickly picks her up and runs to the bed with Antrir following them like a dog that is always near its owner. Xyll gently put her on the bed and asks for further instructions: "What's next?"

Noa:" Help me take my clothes off my bottom off then grab a bucket of water and then some towels. Then but one under me so that the bed gets less dirty, then one for yourself and the last ounce to warp the babies around... I am having twins so that would make 4 towels." She says as she breathes heavily. 

Xyll: " Alright, alright." She first takes off her clothes and underwater, then quickly get the things she was ordered to do and does the actions she said. While she does this, the little dragon looks at her worryingly and resides to lay down on her chest, and instantly uses his qi to support her, making her feel a bit more comfortable. Once Xyll is back she was too much in panic mode to take him off and Noa did not mention it either since he is helping her. But once Xyll is done with the preparation Noa reaches her hand out and luckily Xyll realizes the memo. So she grabs Noa's hand and sits beside her. Noa pushes as she tries to control her breathing and luckily the 20-hour labor went well without complications. 

Xyll: " N... Noa, they are so cute." She says as she holds the twins in her arms who are each rapt up in a towel.  Although right now they have a slightly purple hue to them and wrinkly faces, she can tell that they have a 90% resemblance to their mother. Both of them have the same golden eyes as her and since she can't tell their gender since she does not know how to identify the gender of humans that has not yet reached puberty she just knows that one of them has black hair and the other has silver colored hair. After she has cleaned them she shows them to Noa who looks at them with gentle and euphoric eyes. She then pulls down the top of her dress before she grabs them and lets them breastfeed while both dragons look at them with wonder. Right after she is done feeding she gives them to Xyll and falls fast asleep.

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