Chapter 9

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Noa is now at the beginning of her sixth month of pregnancy and it is about 3 months left until she gives birth. During these months Noa has been training very hard and is now in the early stage of a spirit master. But unfortunately, her foundation is not very stable. That is because she has not been able to practice any martial arts technics and certainly not have any hard physical training since she is pregnant. Xyll has even told Noa that she has to put cultivation on hold or else she can risk her dantian exploding and killing her and the twins. As well as overwhelming her children with her qi. Xyll was also very surprised at her fast cultivating speed for a human as normally it would take 12 years for what she has just done or 7 for very talented people. Of course, hearing this she told Xyll about the temporary boost that was given to her by the creator and that she may actually not be very talented in cultivation at all. Hearing this Xyll told her that the boost may have helped her a lot in order to reach far. But seeing her consideration and hard work she believes that that is not the only thing that has made her level up so fast. Although it may not be as heaven-defining as now but even without the boost she would be considered a genius among humans. Noa of course is skeptical but does not say anything. Gaia has also become stronger as she is now as strong as most of the magical beasts in this area.

Having nothing to do Noa is restless feeling she doesn't remember the last time she had. In her past life, her parents were very strict with her. She always needed to have top marks in everything in school as well as the activities they have chosen for her. Piano, fencing, Chess, ballet, and golf. Of all these things the only thing she chose by herself was fencing. The only time she had free time was Sundays as the family always went to church. She was so busy that she did not even have time to make friends in school. When she was little she did ask her parents if they could free up her schedule in order to make some. But they said that. only successful people have time for friends. At that time she was only 8 and listen obediently thinking that they were right. But once she grew older she realist that this lifestyle was wrong. Humans are social creatures so having no friends was detrimental to her mental state. And when they tried to decide her future occupation for her that was when she finally rebelled. It did not work great at the beginning as they forced her to study to become a surgeon but a year later she saw an opportunity to get away from them and that is when she secretly joined the army. They did not find out until it was too late. What followed after was extreme training every day. The only time for rest was for eating and sleeping. And that was made even worse when she chose to become a medical soldier since she did not want her studies to be in vain even though it wasn't her choice. But when she was in the army she did make some friends for the first time.

It is safe to say that this was the first time in memory that she has ever felt this feeling and doesn't know how to deal with it. It is too early to cook anything and she has read evry book in the library twice already. There are other things she could have done before but can't when her stomach is so big. Now all she does is lay down on a chair and do nothing, she has never done nothing before and it makes her uncomfortable. This has been noticed by Xyll.

Xyll: " Is there something wrong?"

Noa:" Restlessness, boredom." 

Xyll:" Isn't it great to be lazying around?"

Noa: " I have never done it before, I am not used to it... I don't think I like doing nothing." 

Xyll:" What life have you been living that you have never done nothing."

Noa: " Study, practice, healing, killing, cooking, and reading." 

Xyll: " Then why don't you read now."

Noa: " I have already read all 233 books twice. "

Xyll: "Then why don't you cook?"

Noa:" We ate an hour ago."

Xyll: "Don't you. have a hobby?"

Noa:" Reading and cooking."

Xyll:"... "

Xyll: " Is there anything you have always liked to try?"

Noa:"... Watercolor painting and calligraphy."  

Xyll: "Then just do that."

Noa:" I need a teacher."

Xyll:" Can't you just make up things as you go?"

Noa:" I have no reference, no book, no know-how. Only when you know the basics can you start to improvise. Besides, we don't have the materials to do anything of those things."

Xyll:" My powers are back now so I could just fly to the nearest town and buy it for you. It should take me about 3 hours to fly back and forth."

Noa:" How long would it take for a human by a foot?"

Xyll:" 5 days I think."

Noa:" You are really fast."

Xyll: "That's normal for dragons, also humans need to rest more so some of that time is resting. If they did not rest it would take little more than 3 days."

Noa:" I am comparing you to humans, I have never met another dragon before so I can't compare you to one."

Xyll: " I guess so, is there something else you need, I can buy it for you."

Noa: " I can't just spend someone else's money."

Xyll:" Dont worry, if I lived in human society I would be as rich an emperor. I have a lot of money to spend. I am the type who likes to spoil my frainds in riches."

Noa: "Don't you remember what you promised to help me with last time?"

Xyll:" That was months ago, of course, I don't."

Noa: " Domestic farm animals and edible plants. You can also add fresh medical herbs. I can plant them and have a fresh supply. Also, buy some cloth so that I can make children's clothes."

Xyll: " Be more specific with what animals and plants you want."

Noa: " Goats, chickens, cows, and pigs for the animals. Wheat, oats, rice, soybeans, carrots, cabbage, chilies, apples, lemons, mango, strawberries, pepper, celery, and onions. You don't need to buy all this time. After all, I don't have that much energy to take care of all these things for now." 

Xyll: " I see what I can get, bye now."

Noa:" Bye."

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