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Chapter 107: Do You Like Him?

"That's good, it seems that Yu Zhiwen still has some methods." Lin Qiuyu took a big bite of ice cream and said vaguely, "By the way, the sweet potatoes in our base have been planted, and the others are also being studied, and the progress is not bad."

"It's pretty fast, it's good." Shen Liang said casually.

"Of course, don't look at who I am."

Lin Qiuyu began to commit the second again, first boasting for a while, and then muttering some good things in the base, but Shen Liang always replied to him very succinctly, and his eyes occasionally looked upstairs.

"Why are you absent-minded? Is it who is bullying you? Lin Qiuyu put the ice cream box to the side, imposing, "You said, I'll help you teach..."

Before he finished speaking,

he was stuffed into his mouth by Qi Ye with a mouthful of ice cream and blocked the chatterbox. Shen Liang looked at it inadvertently, and uncontrollably remembered the way he fed Yu Zhiwen ice cream in his head, and he was a little embarrassed to look away.

After returning to his senses, he quickly shook his head again, trying to shake off the things in his head.

"You're not happy because of Yu Zhiwen, right? He's not at home? Qi Ye saw through his thoughts at a glance.

"Ah, no, he's upstairs. There are a lot of things in the base these days, he is quite tired, he only came back yesterday, and now he is upstairs to catch up on sleep, and he should come down in a while. Shen Liang tried to keep his words calm.

Lin Qiuyu bit the spoon, glanced at Qi Ye, hesitated again and again or asked Shen Liang carefully: "Have you had a conflict with him?"

Shen Liang was confused: "No."

"How does that feel weird between you." Lin Qiuyu muttered, "Your attitude is also strange.

"No, I shouldn't have seen it for a few days, and I'm not used to it." Shen Liang explained.

"Oh." Lin Qiuyu believed it and continued to eat ice cream, "It's good that I came to you as soon as I came, otherwise I wouldn't have gone to find Yu Zhiwen directly."

Qi Ye experienced a different feeling, thinking about it, he still decided to ask directly, without beating around the bush: "Shen Liang, you tell the truth, is there any problem with Yu Zhiwen, it's normal for two people to have these problems together, Xiaoyu and I often have conflicts, just talk about it."

Lin Qiuyu nodded next to him: "Uh-huh, yes, yes, you two have something to say."

Shen Liang looked at the two singing and reconciling very helplessly, he drank saliva and explained: "It's really okay, he really just came back to rest, let's be fine." Also, what nonsense, I am not with him.

Lin Qiuyu heard that the front was still thinking that Shen Liang must still be covering up, and when he heard the back, he was shocked, and blurted out: "How is it possible, you are not with him?"

Shen Liang nodded: "Hmm."

Qi Ye's expression was also a little difficult to say: "Then you live together now, it's just... Friend?

He and Lin Qiuyu saw that the two were so close, so tacit and trusted each other, they both unanimously thought that they had expressed their hearts to each other, but they didn't expect to go around in a circle... Not even together yet?

"Yes, it's a friend, I don't have a place to live, I came here to borrow it." Shen Liang looked at the two surprised faces, quite funny, neither of them had this idea, why did these two still worry about it.

"The base is so big, don't you have to borrow a place to live? Also, both of you... Where is it like a friend? Even Lin Qiuyu could see the ambiguity and something wrong between the two of them, let alone the others.

When he said this, Shen Liang also thought about it seriously, it was indeed not very similar, but the two of them got along like this.

Qi Ye also felt something at this time, he knew early on that Yu Zhiwen liked Shen Liang, and Shen Liang must also be interesting to him, otherwise why was it so special for him.

However, he didn't expect that Yu Zhiwen, who was so decisive in dealing with other things, would be so emotional... Dawdling.

Probably too concerned to show it easily.

"Something is wrong, something is so wrong." Lin Qiuyu saw that Shen Liang did not reply, and the little adult pinched his chin thoughtfully, "Shen Liang, do you like Yu Zhiwen."

Shen Liang paused, his gaze stayed on the stairs for a while, and then nodded freely: "I like it."

Lin Qiuyu snorted: "I don't know you yet, I don't need to listen to your answer."

"Is it so obvious?" After saying it, Shen Liang felt much better.

"Of course, if you really don't care, so freely, you will never deliberately do it when you say it." Lin Qiuyu said proudly, "I can see it." "He just doesn't bother to care about this on weekdays, which doesn't mean he really doesn't understand."

Shen Liang was a little embarrassed, and also sighed a little: "I thought I hid it well."

Lin Qiuyu was puzzled: "Why hide it?" Since you like it, wouldn't it be good to pursue him directly?

Qi Ye added: "Don't say anything that is afraid that you can't be a friend, you are not the kind of person who will hesitate because of this reason."

Shen Liang did not speak this time, his face always maintained a faint smile, but there was a little darker in his eyes.

He didn't speak, Qi Ye and Lin Qiuyu didn't speak, they all understood in their hearts that Yu Zhiwen also liked Shen Liang, maybe he didn't like it anymore, he loved him.

It feels a little pretentious to say this, but Qi Ye thinks that he may know Yu Zhiwen better, both of them are dedicated to the base, worrying about the end of mankind, and also relying on themselves to get to their current position in order not to be inferior.

This kind of person, if he does not love someone very much, will not make an exception for him, and will not give up a little benefit. If Yu Zhiwen didn't love Shen Liang, Shen Liang and he wouldn't have reached such a friendly cooperation now.

No one wants to take this ability for himself, and neither does he. However, because the first meeting was relatively special, coupled with the good relationship now, Yu Zhiwen and Shen Liang's force was not weak, so that today's situation could be achieved.

As a friend, Qi Ye didn't want to see the two of them delay like this anymore, he and Xiaoyu came over like this, they delayed for more than ten years, because the end of the day only had the opportunity to express their hearts to each other, the bitterness of unrequited love, they had eaten enough.

"Actually, when I didn't chase him at the beginning, I didn't say it because I was worried about whether he was a person like us." Shen Liang thought for a long time, but still decided to say it, anyway, Yu Zhiwen didn't know, even if he knew... Then you know, if it goes on like this, he will not be able to control himself.

If one day rushed into his room and dealt with him, the scene would be ugly.

Moreover, he thought of the inexplicable kiss that day, perhaps... He is not without opportunities?

As long as there is a slight possibility, Shen Liang will not give up, and the man he fancy is naturally going to be taken.

"I understand that, and I started like that." Lin Qiuyu interjected, people like them can't go and bend straight men, "What later?" "

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