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Chapter 52: This is a disease, and it must be cured

"But this one that has been watered by the water of the Tianchi is not bad." Shen Liang squatted down to check.

[Of course, the energy of Tianchi water is not small, it can improve the land and warm seeds! ]

Shen Liang silently noted that since the land here was so unfriendly, he did not waste other seeds, and only planted them with special energy warmth.

Wood energy can grow plants, completely because they can deliver nutrients to plants and improve their lifespan, Shen Liang also wants to try to see if his own energy can grow things, without relying on the farm.

When the employees arrived, they all saw him planting things in the backyard.

"Manager, this... Planting is not alive, right? Gu Jin stretched out his head and asked worriedly. They have long tried the land of the base, except for mutant plants, they can't grow anything alive, and if they are lucky, they will only become mutant plants in the end.

They don't want to plant a ticking time bomb here.

"Just try."

Gu Jin still wanted to persuade, but suddenly saw a very small green color in front of him, and when he looked at it, it was a plant that had sprouted! Not the kind of mutant plant with a black-purple glow that is not normal at first glance!

Is it already alive? She was horrified in her heart, sure enough, it was the store manager, and things could be grown here!

Follow the right person!

She retreated lightly, and at the same time made a secret gesture with the same curious Ye Li Ye, and her intuition told her that this matter should not be said at will.

After taking care of the plants, Shen Liang closed the back door and came to the front desk to sit, looking at the orderly order in the store, he was still very satisfied, so that in a few days he could try to make a handshake cabinet.

At night, Gu Jin, who is responsible for collecting crystal nuclei, and Shen Liang dock the number of crystal nuclei and bills.

"Adult, after today's limited purchase was released, the profit is obviously much less, or we..."

"No, that's it." Shen Liang said, "I don't have this bread at any time, there are not many stocks now, and the limited quantity can only feed these people, not to make them use any unrealistic brains."

"So that's the case..." Gu Jin suddenly turned out that the store manager was a very good person! For the sake of whether the people in the base are full of food, no wonder the other things in the store are priced so expensive, only bread is very cheap, she thought that the raw materials were simple!

Gu Jin, who understood this, talked about this with the other five people, and received a clear and adoring gaze.

Only one person muttered disdainfully: "Cut, rhetoric." "If this person is really so kind, then why didn't you let them go? Isn't it just looking for free labor?

Xu Qiang frowned and glanced at him: "What do you think, don't talk nonsense, how comfortable it is here now, you don't have to be born into death, you can eat enough by people to manipulate at will, be careful not to let the store manager hear and settle accounts with you."

"Yes yes yes, I see."

For several days, the crystal nuclei in the store received relatively little, but it was quite stable, after all, after eating what was here, it was really difficult to swallow other things.

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