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I take a deep breath as I carefully unlock the door to Sebastian's room. I can hear him shuffling around inside, and my heart is racing with anticipation.

"Come on," I whisper as I finally manage to get the lock undone. "We don't have much time."

Sebastian looks up as I walk in, his face lighting up in surprise. "Margo, what are you doing here?"

"I'm breaking you out," I reply, holding up a bag of clothes and supplies. "We're going to Mexico City to meet your friend Costa."

Sebastian raises an eyebrow, clearly surprised by my sudden burst of initiative. "Are you sure about this?"

I nod, my determination unwavering. "We need to find out more about the weapon and who's behind the cult. And I think Costa can help us."

Sebastian nods, a small smile forming on his lips. "Alright then. Let's get out of here."

We move quickly, making our way out of the safe house and into the waiting car. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest as we speed off into the night, the cool air rushing past my face.

As we approach the airport, I can't help but feel a sense of excitement mixed with fear. What are we getting ourselves into? But I push those thoughts aside and focus on the mission at hand.

"You did the right thing" Sebastian says.

"I don't think I had another options" I say bitterly. "At least this way, those brainwashed souls aren't killing my friends."

"You still consider Sarah a friend?" He says surprised.

"She's my family" I reply. "I'd take a bullet for her"

"Even, after she kissed James?" He drops the bomb.

"What?" I blurt out.

"I was keeping tabs on you. I saw it happen, it was right before that Trader Joe's incident" he informs.

"That's probably explains why I lost the suit guys so quickly" I note dissatisfied and feeling betrayed.

"Yeah, I got a good swing at 'em. He pushed her away you know?" He says trying to make it better. But the feeling in my heart was fucking horrible.

"That doesn't make it better" I say with a sigh. I was fighting back my demons.


As we sat down in a small café in Mexico City, I couldn't help but feel the weight of the situation on my shoulders. Sebastian and Costa looked at me with a mix of excitement and fear, as they began to explain their plan to find the powerful legend about La Piedra.

Costa spoke first, his words filled with a passion that could only come from someone who truly believed in what they were saying. He talked about the legend, how it had been passed down through generations of his family, and how it was said that only someone with a specific bloodline could harness its power.

Sebastian chimed in, his voice filled with enthusiasm as he explained the details of their journey. He talked about the dangers they would face in the jungle, the treacherous terrain, and the ruthless cartels that ruled the area.

As I listened to them speak, I felt a sense of both excitement and dread. The idea of finding the gem and using its power to stop the cult was thrilling, but the thought of facing such danger was terrifying.

But as I looked at Sebastian and Costa, I knew that I couldn't back down. I had come too far to turn back now. So I took a deep breath and nodded, signaling my agreement to their plan.

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