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"Nu Uh" I say childishly. Sam and I don't bicker all the time.

"Yes, every time I check on both of you, you're bickering" Sarah scolds. I swing my arm over Sam's shoulder.

"It's our love language, isn't that right babe?" I ask in a flirty tone.

"You love me?" Sam asks raising an eyebrow.

"Na, I wouldn't hesitate to feed you to the lions" I say patting his head.

"Id willingly feed you to.." Sam starts i interrupt.

"Ah you'd feed me?" I ask smirking. "Bucket! You're here" I say swinging my arms around him.

"You know I gotta admit I missed your snoring" I say pulling away my arms remain around his neck. His arms find their way on my waist almost as if I'm a sand cattle with the amount of delicacy he uses.

"Really? I didn't miss those tiny cold feet" he says narrowing his eyes.

"Whoa whoa whoa" Sam says putting a hand on bucket chest making us pull away.

"You've touched her feet?" Sam asks in between protective and disgust.

"She touched me" Bucky says "she put them on my warm calf. There like little ice cubes"

I laugh. "You're so warm. You can't even share your warmth with me?"

"You two slept in the same bed together?" Sam asks. He's protective tone leaking through.

"Yea twice" I say thoughtfully. A pipe burst being it to our attention.

"Sam!" Sarah calls out. Sam runs to the pipe leaking pressure.

He tries to move the bolt but it won't budge. "The other way" Bucky yells over the noise.

He grabs a wrench and easily fixes it. "You think you fix my.."

"Runny sink? I fixed it" Bucky says putting the wrench down.

"Why didn't you use your metal arm?" Sam asks.

"I don't always think of it. I'm right handed" he says explaining himself.


For the next couple hours we work on the boat. It's coming to together. I am feeling a wave of sadness about the boat.

Like I've mentioned, I grew up on this boat. Sam Pablo Sarah and I always had fun carne asadas with both of our families.

The Wilson's always were patient with my parents. We might've lived in a shitty neighborhood but it was enough.

This boat leaving is like saying goodbye to my childhood. It's always felt nice to come back and look how far I've come.

"What's with the long face?" Bucky asks coming next to me with a beer. He gives me a tamarindo Jarrito (Mexican soda) instead of a beer.

"Sarah said you don't drink beer" he mutter handing it to me.

"Thanks" I say looking at the sun setting.

"Are you upset?" He asks carefully.

"No, well maybe a bit. Sarah is selling this boat that's why we fixed it today" I say looking down. "I grew up on this junk"

"She asked me to stay out of it so I'm respecting her wishes. I just don't believe it's the right decision" I say my explaining turned into a venting.

"I don't know how to explain it but it's like it's the only thing I have from my childhood" I say chuckling at my behavior.

"I know it's stupid" I mutter.

"I know how you feel" Bucky says after a pregnant pausing. I look into his eyes telling him he has my attention.

"When Sam gave the shield up. It felt like I didn't have anything left" he admits. "I felt alone"

"If it's any consolation, You can count on me 90% of the time" I say smiling toward him.

"What about that ten percent?" He asks raising an eyebrow up amused.

"10% oh well you know stuff" I say smiling cheekily.

"Stuff" he repeats smiling.

"Don't flirt with my fake womb sister" Sam yells. Sarah flings a fish at his head.

"Fake womb sister?" Bucky asks amused.

"He doesn't want you to be his fake womb brother in law" I reply.

"Is that what we're calling it?" Bucky asks catching up with Sam that's heading over to the net.

"It's is!" I yell out laughing.

I approach Sarah. "I need to head home, quince is on Sunday and let me tell you I'm gonna die"

"I'll bring my presence" Sarah says smiling. "You taking him with you?" She asks looking at Barnes.

"Probably, he's  basically moved in." I reply. "He hanged his clothes in my closet and has brought food home"

"I'll be back tomorrow" I say hugging her "call me if you need anything"

"Yeah I will" she says nodding.

I walk back to my car. Where I see a Bucky leaning patiently waiting.

"I'm ready to knock out" I say rubbing my eyes tiredly. I hope into the drivers seat and open the passengers. Bucky hops in.

"Let's go for ice cream" he suggest. "I saw a small store around"

"Okay" I agree finding it on the gps and soon we're off to the ice cream shop where we bought a Bucket of ice cream.


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