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The ER wasn't as busy as I imagined it would be. There were only patients that had mild conditions nothing too serious.

"That would be all for today ma'am. I recommend visiting your family doctor." I reply to a patient. Lord I chose the wrong career, I have no patience.

"Then why am I at the hospital! Aren't you supposed to fix me?!" She yells.

"Unfortunately, this section is the Emergency room used to stabilize patients with life threatening problems." I say in a professional tone. The nurse behind me is radiating the energy of an angry cat.

"I am sick! Look I have a fever" she whines. "I've looked it up and I have something called high blood pressure"

"Your temperature is ready fine" I reply looking at her charts. "I cannot order blood test, like I've mentioned earlier your family doctor may assist you"

I kindly walk away while the old lady shouts my names aggressively. I put on new glove and go check on another patient.

"Dr. Martinez" I hear nurse Alex behind me.

"Hi!" I say while turning around.

"There's someone here to see you" she reply's point in a direction toward the exit. "Between us, he's hot"

Carefully removing the gloves. I walk outside and see Bucky on a bench with Sam.

"Not that I mind seeing your face" I start.

"It's been over 10 years get over me margo" Sam says joking.

"You didn't let me finish" I say narrowing my eyes. Bucky kisses my cheek. "I brought you lunch"

"Oh! Really? I forgot this morning I woke up late" I say gratefully while pecking his chin.

"I know you did, i didn't want you to be hungry" he confesses. "You also have a Nice face to look at"

"UGH" Sam groans annoyed. We both stare at him annoyed.

"It's disgusting! Oh Margo didn't eat! Is she hungry? Should I bring her food? What if she passes out?" He says mocking Bucky. "Listen man she's not going to pass out maybe she'll be cranky for a bit"

"You know what Wilson? Suck my left toe, I was hungry!" I retort. I kiss bucky's lips quickly. "Thank you babe!"

"You're welcome doll" he says with a stupid grin on his face. "Sam take that sour face off. I told you I'd have him eventually"

"He already took a look at that" he says gesturing toward me "can we leave?" Sam says irritated.

"Sorry about the jealous idiot." I say to Bucky. I hear Sam about to complain. "Is that a new shirt?"

"We bought it a couple days ago" he says while very close to my face. "You like it?"

"I love it on you, but Id prefer to see it off" I say smirking, I like provoking Sam.

"You will, tonight?" He asks reciprocating the same energy back.

"I'm going to feed you to the fish" Sam bites back.

I kiss Bucky on the lips one more time. "I'll see you after work, I love you two. Don't do anything stupid"

"Remember what I said about 12 hour shifts" Bucky scolds. "8am to 4pm, take it easy"

I nod my head. "And I love you too!" He says kissing the crown of my head.

"Yeah I guess I love you a bit" Sam says hesitantly.

"I gotta get back to work!" I say turning around and leaving into the ER.

"So is the other one available or?" Alex asks me smirking.

"Yeah his names is Sam Wilson." I reply getting a chart. "I need an iv in room 4"

"Pain?" She asks writing stuff down. "2grams of Toradol"

"On it doc" she replies grabbing supplies.


I came back home at exactly 4. It felt weird coming home to light. My whole house radiated with the suns beams.

I open my front door and I see Sarah in the kitchen with the kids in the pool. "Yes! Good food!" I reply hugging my best friend.

"How was work?" She asks hugging me back. I pull back from the hug. "It calm as the ER gets"

"The kids wanted to get in the pool." She says while looking outside. Sam and Bucky are both inside. Sam grabs aj and yeets him into the water.

"It's why I bought it Sarah, and I also liked the look of it" I reply. "How's the business?"

"We obviously didn't sell the boat. You know I've been learning to accept help" she says painfully. "I know I'm not a charity case and I can't do it on my own."

"Finally woman, god it'll be deposited in your account later today. I've been waiting for this day for years!" I reply making a big deal out of it. I know my best friend and I know what she's thinking.

"I'm paying you back every cent and we have to make it a contract" she says pointing aggressively toward me.

"Yeah yeah that part is the least I'm worried about." I say shrugging it off.

"But are you really sure? Because you can be a dumbass" she bites back. I make an offended face. "Ok wow that's rude. I'm sure, you're my sister I always have your back"

"Thankyou" she breathes out.

"Love you too dumb bitch" I say hugging her. She's getting all emotional. "Don't fucking cry because I'll cry and I don't have ice cream"

"Or Netflix" I say getting choked up. "Bucky forgot to pay his account."

"Ok I'm done crying" she says wiping her tears. "God I hate you no ice cream?"

"Yeah I know! Tell you what let's go buy some" I say grabbing my keys.

"Don't you wanna change frist?" She replies amused looking at my bloody scrubs.

"Oh yeah hehe" I say cheekily going back up stairs. I see Bucky wave at me from the pool. I wave back and blow a kiss in his direction.

He pretends to catch it and puts it to his cheek. Sam and the boys attacked his with the water guns right after claiming war.


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