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"Is this really all necessary?" Bucky asks looking at all my shopping bags.

"I haven't updated my Closet in years and Sarah is going to die look at these matching crocs" I say pointing to the green bag.

"How about the 19 hundred dollar bag" he says pointing at the Gucci bag.

"That's...ok but it's cute alright!" I say defensively. "Don't look at me like that my bank account is going to hate me tomorrow"

We stop at a bench. "I need to go get some luggage bags from the store brb"

"I'll wait here" he replies placing our bags on the bench.

I walk into the store and look at the different size luggage bags. I pick two standard black carry on bags and make my way to check out.

After playing for them each I make my way outside where I see Bucky talking to a chick.

My Latina side is activated. Quien chingados es esa puta vieja?
(Who the fuck is that?)

I approached them nearly seething out of my skull. The girl takes a look at my appearance. What a bitch, yeah I honestly think it's the jelly talking.

"Here let's put our stuff in these. We're going to Louis Vuitton next, I need some heels and a dress" I say while opening the suitcases.

"Didnt you already buy a dress?" Bucky questions.

"Yeah but I need to buy a dress for the mass" I reply. I act startled looking at he girl in front of me. while the girl awkwardly stands there. "Ohh didn't see you there"

I'll admit i might be acting like a bitch. But the Vato right next to me just kissed me and until further notice es mío.

"I'm Leah" she says trying to be nice.

"Margo, how do you know this piece of junk" I point to Bucky. He rolls his eyes. "Haha Very funny"

"I know I'm hilarious" I say sarcastically.

"We went on a date" she says "didn't get a call back" she accuses.

I knew this shit was fishy. When I tell to you latinas have a 6th sense I'm not playing.

"I've been caught up with things" Bucky says. I mentally keep track how deep he's digging his own grave.

"Clearly" she says looking at me. "I'll get going, wouldn't want to intrude on your clearly expensive shopping spree"

"Oh know it's totally fine" I say smiling. "Maybe we can talk later. Bucky mentioned a good restaurant around here"

"Yeah izzys I work there" she says nodding.

"Oh great! Do us a solid and save us a table for two" I say clearly shooting the message back off.

"I'll make sure" she says waving towards us and slithering away. Okay maybe I am a bitch, but in my defense I was raised petty.

I grab the suit case and pull the handle up. "We're not going to talk about what just happened?"

"What happened?" I say acting innocently.

"Table for two, acting like she wasn't there. What was that?" Bucky asks annoyed.

How fucking dare him. He kissed me not the other way around for him to be flirting with other viejas.

"Mira wey" i say passively aggressive. I point a finger at him. (Listen bitch)

"You kissed me, so as far as I'm concerned, you can't be flirting with other girls because it's cheating. " I say slowly. His eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"I only did all that scene for her to know she doesn't have a chance with you" I say smiling and finishing my rant. I hook our arms together.

"You're jealous" Bucky says looking at me.

"Yes, I am and id do it again" I reply having no shame. What's the shame in admitting your feelings? Pride?

"You're crazy" he says smiling. We both roll our suitcase down the street. "Do you actually need a dress?"

"actually yes, and souvenirs because the kids will have my head" I say looking around the place.

Unhooking my arm from his I stop and I grab my phone, snapping a picture of a pigeon dragging a whole pizza. "Really?" Bucky says.

"What isn't it funny?" I ask giggling at the poor pigeon.

"New York isn't that nice" Bucky says scoffing impatiently.

"I'm not a city gal" I reply defensively. "This is all awesome"


I walk up to him and swing my arm around his shoulder. I grab my phone taking a quick selfie with the winter soldier.

"Delete that I look bad" he says frowning. I kiss his cheek aggressively. "I don't have social media"

I show him the picture i took of us. Bucky's gaze is fixed on me while I smile like an idiot at the camera.

"I'll send it to you" I say cheekily. "Or..."

I press the print button and I print the foto using one of those pictures printers. I grab it from my bag as I wait for the picture to come out. (Totally not sponsored)

I grab the picture from the machine and put it in my bag safely.

"You just carry that around?" Bucky says amused.

"It's lightweight" I say defensively. "You're old fashioned, take it"

He takes the picture looking down at it appreciating it. "I'll add it somewhere"

"Better not be the trash" I reply. "Come on I'll just buy the kids something and we should get a bite"

He nods grabbing both suit cases. I don't say anything because I don't wanna drag the suit cases.


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