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"Aunt Margo!" I hear the boys yell. They hug me around my torso.

"Have you gotten bigger? You look bigger?" I say hugging them back.

"Are we going to the fair today?" Aj asks.

"Yeah" I say looking over the pier. Sam and Sargent Barnes are on the boat with Sarah.

"Who's with your mom?" I ask making my way down to the boat. I was just about to head into work but the surgery scheduled today was canceled.

so my scrubs with my white coat look out of place. I take my coat off and stuff it in my gym bag.

We carefully make our way into the boat. Sarah give me a little wave while I set my shit down on the seat.

"No work? Surprising!" Sarah mocks my outfit.

"I had a 13 hour surgery scheduled for today. It was canceled due to the patient consuming food before surgery." I say "I got the call in the car" I say motioning to my scrubs.

"Margo Martinez you're still alive?" Sam Wilson mocks.

"I thought you were the dead one?" I ask smirking. I go in for a hug, he gladly returns it. "Glad to have you back mule"

"Are you still on with that nickname?" He asks pulling away not impressed.

"It's in your name Samuel" I correct him.

"Margo! You're taking forever" cass whines with his hat on.

"My bad dude" I say defensively. "I need to see which one of these guys I can snatch of the market"

"Where you guys going?" Sam asks handing me a beer.

"Oh I don't do liver failure" I say pushing it away. He narrows his eyes setting it down on the table. "The local fair you coming?"

"Hell yeah haven't been there in years" Sam says. I

"Get on with it the fair is going close" aj says agitation lacing his tone.

"How you doing? I'm Margo" I say to the blue eyed just my type. Sargent Barnes.

"James Barnes" he says coldly staring at me intensely.

"Bad impression already?" I say sarcastically. He doesn't give a smile or emotion away.

"Oh don't hurt me, mr. Barnes. You interested in going to a fair?" I say flirting.

"Don't mess with him Mar. He's had enough of that for a century" Sam says jumping to defend his friend.

"Rain check?" I ask innocently.

"Rain check" he says back. I shoot him a cheeky grin winking at him.

"Alright boys let me change into some normal clothes and off the fair we go." I say patting their head. "Sarah honey you're coming too"

"I have a couple of" Sarah says about to make and excuse.

"Yay! Wait for you in the car" I say smiling going to a corner and quickly slipping on some jeans and a shirt.


I come out and aj and cass are on the Xbox I got them for Christmas. "You're wearing dad shoes"

"Ok damn I did not ask to be roasted" I say defensively. I notice Barnes is alone on the pier once again.

I try to sneak up behind him but he hears me. "Sneaking up on doesn't work"

"Worth a shot" I say shrugging. "Speaking of shots, I'm not one to shoot my shot twice but, it'll be fun if you went to the fair"

"I don't like fairs" he says blandly.

"Well that's because you've never went to one with me" I say trying to convince him.

"If it all goes to shit. I'll buy you something." I say convincing him. He looks at me emotionless. He's stare is really scary.

He lifts his metal arm toward my face to try to intimidate me. My face doesn't change. "If you're about to tell me your a monster or something along those lines. I don't really care"

"Let's just go have fun. I've been stuck in the ER for the past week and a half" I say. "I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving your creepy ass here"

"Okay" he says staring at me intensely. I've noticed it's a habit of his.

"Yeah okay come on" I say turning around. I here quiet footsteps following behind me. "Come on boys!"

I hear footsteps and they all pile into my Tesla. "Got i love this car" Sam says from the back seat.

"Thanks It was only 100k" I say sarcastically.

James makes his way to the front of the car. I close all the doors from the front and start the car.

The boys have been waiting in the car with pet mode on for the last couple minutes my bad.

"Seatbelts!" I yell beginning to move the car from park.

Making my way into the highway. "What do you do for a living?" James asks.

Sarah and Sam are arguing in the back about money problems.

"I'm a heart surgeon" I say "but those rarely are needed in the OR. so I work in the ER, With mid range operations mostly."

"Is that how you can afford this car?" He asks thoughtfully.

"Yeah" I respond taking an exit on the freeway.

"It's a nice job if you like to get your hands dirty" I say thoughtfully.


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