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We gathered in the living room of our safe house, ready to discuss the Church of the Hallowed Voice and our next move. Sam was already seated at the table, his laptop open in front of him. Sarah sat next to him, fidgeting nervously with a pen in her hand.

Bucky entered the room, a plate of breakfast in hand. He sat down next to me and passed me a plate of eggs and toast. I could feel his eyes on me, and I knew he was trying to gauge my mood. I tried to give him a reassuring smile.

"So, what's about to hit the fan?" I asked, my tone serious.

Sam cleared his throat, pulling up some files on his laptop. "The Church of the Hallowed Voice is a cult that has been operating in secret for years. They believe that they have been chosen by a higher power to bring about the end of the world."

I shuddered, the gravity of the situation sinking in. You would think after 3 days of this it would've already. "And the weapon?" I asked.

Sam nodded. "It's a Resonance Device. It's a sonic weapon that, when activated, will cause massive destruction to everything within a three-mile radius."

Bucky's hand found mine under the table, squeezing it reassuringly. "And how is it linked to Margo?" he asked, his eyes on Sam.

Sam took a deep breath. "We've discovered that Margo's great-great-grandfather was a scientist who developed the technology for the device. He passed down the knowledge and the genetic ability to activate it to his descendants."

I felt a knot form in my stomach. "So, I'm the only one who can activate it?"

Sam nodded solemnly. "Unfortunately, yes."

"Some very reputable sources, confirmed, that this group has been known to use mind control and manipulation to recruit new members. Their ultimate goal is to bring about the "ascension" of humanity, but their methods are often violent and destructive." Sam explained.

"It's a Church. Religion is always something to fight for, who are they fighting for?" I ask.

"The Hallowed Voice" Sam replies.

Sarah spoke up for the first time and changing the topic. "And what about Sebastian? What side is he on?"

Sam hesitated. "We're not sure. He claims to be a spy for an organization that's trying to stop the Church of the Hallowed Voice, but we don't know if we can trust him."

Bucky's hand tightened around mine, and I could feel his concern. "We'll go in and out," he said firmly.

I nodded, feeling a sense of determination wash over me. "We'll stop them. Whatever it takes."

As we continued our briefing, I couldn't help but notice the way Sarah kept stealing glances at Bucky. I had suspected for a while now that she had a crush on him, but I tried to push the thought aside. We had bigger things to worry about.

Like discussing the possible solutions to take down the Church of the Hallowed Voice.

But as we started to get into the details of the mission, Sarah spoke up. "I want to help," she said, her eyes pleading. "I know I have kids, but I'm not going to sit back and watch while you guys put your lives on the line."

Sam shook his head. "I'm sorry, Sarah, but we can't risk it. We don't know what kind of danger we'll be facing, and we can't have any civilians in the crossfire."

I could see the disappointment in Sarah's eyes, and I couldn't help but feel a little guilty. But Sam was right. We needed to be smart about this.

And then there was me. "What about me?" I asked, knowing full well what the answer would be.

"What about you?" Sam retorted.

"I can help, I have a good enough punch" I reply.

Bucky looked at me, his eyes full of concern. "Margo, you're a surgeon. We need you to stay here, just in case anything goes wrong."

I sighed, knowing he was right. But it still stung a little. I wanted to be out there with them, fighting side by side.

As we continued to discuss the details of the mission, Sarah kept stealing glances at Bucky. I could tell that she still had a crush on him, even though she knew he was with me. It was an awkward situation, but I tried my best to ignore it.

In the end, we decided to move forward with the mission, without Sarah or me. Bucky and Sam would be leading the charge, with a team of experienced operatives to back them up.

As we finished up the briefing, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. We were going up against a dangerous and fanatical cult, armed with a weapon of mass destruction. But I knew that Bucky and Sam were the best of the best, and I trusted them to get the job done.

And as for Sarah's crush on Bucky? Well, that was a problem for another day. Right now, we had a mission to focus on.


"I'm telling you, this is too dangerous," Bucky says, his voice firm and resolute. "We can't risk going on a mission like this, not with what's at stake."

I tried to convince him one more time before they finalized the plan. This whole mess was because my grandpa decided to be a fucking cult leader. That bald headed bitch.

I turn to him, frustration and anger boiling inside me. "And what about the people who are in danger?" I ask. "What about the lives that are at risk? We can't just sit back and do nothing."

Sarah nods in agreement, her eyes locked onto mine. "Margo's right," she says. "We can't just ignore this, not when there's something we can do to help."

Sam remains silent, watching the argument unfold with a neutral expression on his face. I can tell that he's weighing his options, trying to decide what the best course of action is.

Bucky shakes his head, his eyes locked onto mine. "I understand that you want to help," he says. "But we have to think about the bigger picture here. We can't just rush into things without considering the consequences."

I take a deep breath, trying to keep my emotions in check. "I'm not suggesting that we rush into anything," I say. "But we can't just do nothing either. There has to be a way that we can help, that we can make a difference."

For a moment, there's a tense silence in the room, as each of us weighs our options. And then, finally, Sam speaks up.

"I think there might be a way," he says slowly, his eyes flickering from one of us to the other. "We need to get what Sebastian knows. Stay back and do that. I promise you, this will be over soon"

Both Bucky and Sam decided to leave the room and go Plan out their shit.

"This sucks" I announce plopping down on the couch.

"Amen." Sarah says sitting down on the couch as well.


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