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I drive back to Aj and cass' school to pick them up. We had agreed to pick up some food. By agree I mean AJ Cass and I agreed to eat out.

I pull into the curb where I see them. They hop into the car right away and we head into a nice Chinese restaurant.

My phone buzzes in the car. "Can one of you answer that. Your mom would kill me if I do"

Aj grabs the phone. "Hey mom yeah we're heading there"

"Why are we taking so long?" He asks looking at me expecting a lie.

"We're on a stop light!" I yell loins enough for her to hear.

"Yeah! Traffic" Aj says to Sarah. "Ok bye love you mom!"


"You did not" Sarah says upset looking at the food in our hands. Aj and cass go into the boat with the food.

"We got hungry!" I whine. "Plus my nursing job is helping out"

"Fine but this is last time" Sarah says. "You make us feel like a charity case" she says while moving a heavy bucket.

"You're not a charity case! I don't write you off on my taxes" I say defensively. Her eyes narrow "I don't need your help"

"I know, you're independent. But come on, you're my only family I have left" I say trying to reason with her. "You'd do the same for me"

"I would, but I can handle it" she says a bit agitated.

"I don't want to pick fights. I win them all anyway. Let's just call it even" I say rubbing my forehead tiredly. She nods her head going back to her work.

"My professor today made me dissect a pigs heart" I say. "We removed tissue from one of the vessels that was clogging a posterior artery and pumped it in the simulation"

"It's was a 7 hour duty with me leading but it was worth it since the heart function normally." I say smiling at my job.

"7 hours?" Sarah says restating what I said to let me know she's listening. "For a dead thing?"

"Yeah, next week we're going to be performing surgery on a simulator" I say excited. "It's going to have vitals and realistic blood!" I say excitedly.

"I hate the site of blood" Sarah says cringing at the thought.

"Yeah it's pretty disgusting but it's whatever" I say shrugging it off. "But we need it to keep blood pressure up"

"And to stay alive" Sarah retorts making a noise with the bucket in her hand.

"Yeah that's important too" I say shrugging it off. I grab the bucket easily from her hand and set it on the table.

"Careful doc might hurt the money makers" she teases. I shove her toward the boat. "Let's eat I'm starving"

We make our way to the boat where Aj and cass are watching Tv.

"Hey dudes" I say opening the door. Sarah goes into the small doc where a foldable table is and brings it inside.

I grab a bowl from the bag and dig in. "Oh no I got orange chicken!"

"I ate the kung pow" Aj says. I make a sour face but continue eating the bowl.

The TV is switched to the new about world disasters and governments falling. I switch the channel quickly. "Don't want to see that shi..."

"Finish that sentence" Sarah says venomously c

"Uhh crap" I say finishing it with horrified eyes. I focus back on the TV that has a kids show on. Aj and cass are about 5 years old.

"I'm going to go crash on the couch" I say making a jump for it. Sarah sighs and I see her looking at her kids intently.

"Go for it" she mutters. I close my eyes letting sleep engulf me. I try to cancel out the noise outside.


After a while of not catching a single ounce. I get up and the sun is staring to set. "Sarah!" I yell.

"What" I hear from the room.

"I'm going to go. I have a simulation tomorrow" I say grabbing my coat.

"See you tomorrow" she yells back. I make my way to my car. The gravel crunching when I step onto the dirt path.

I click my car open and go sit in the passenger sit. I sigh tiredly, I start the car and begin to drive to my apartment.

I make it safely home without my limbs falling off.

Shutting the door of my small apartment. I head straight for the shower.


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