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It was time to go home. After our Mexico extravaganza, the boys and I sunburned even if Bucky was chasing me telling me I needed sunscreen.

"Back to work?" Bucky asks looking at the scrubs I was wearing. I nod my head. "What are you up to?"

"I'm not sure. Cap probably needs my help" he says while looking at his coffee cup.

"You heading back to New York?" I ask raising an eyebrow. "I hope not, I'll miss that face"

"I'd miss you to mar" he say smiling. "Not sure, I don't exactly like my place"

"Why? It's so pretty now that we've decked it out with some cool stuff" I say sitting down. He grabs my hand looking into my eyes.

"It doesn't feel like a home" he says honestly. I frown "home?"

"It's a house I live in" he clarifies. "Nothing feels like home"

I cup his face with my hands. "If it makes you feel better this is your home"

"I know" he says softly. "I found what I was searching for...home" he says looking at me fondly when he says home.

"You're my home, my safe place" he says honestly pouring his heart out to me. "I just...thankyou"

I'm a thirsty women literally because I had just woken up and figuratively because I gulping up every drop of what this man is saying.

"Man, that's...really really nice" I say tearing up. "Yea real nice"

He laughs a bit also getting choked up. "You're real nice"

"Man you have to stop with the sappiness my heart might explode" I say wiping the tear before it reaches my cheek.

He grab my face and kisses me fondly. One thing leads to another and we find ourselves in the bedroom.

My top goes over my head and I grab my phone and let them know I'm not showing up. Bucky was busy taking his shirt off.

"You sure about this doll?" He asks connecting our lips briefly.

"Yes Barnes" I say excitedly kissing his face and making my way down to his neck. "Kiss me already I just called in"


"So we did that" I say next to Bucky. It's two pm and we haven't left bed. We're both on the bed like we popped out of the womb, naked.

"It was good" Bucky comments.

"Yeah we should do it again sometime" I retort. I turn around to face him, I cover my front with the sheet.

"First time?" I ask amused. I assumed it was his first time because he looks like he's thinking about it too hard.

"I'm not completely sure" he says thoughtfully. "I'm trying to figure it out"

"Huh? That's the first" I say. I didn't know the winter solider had urges. "well now we know you're not. At least not after that"

"Sarah and I lost our v-cards at our first party as college freshmen" I say thoughtfully. He looks over at me raising an eyebrow. "We were drunk"

"You did it with Sarah?" He asks confused.

"No! It was a guy" I clarify.

"One guy?" He continues. I smack his shoulder. "You're disgusting!"

He grabs my bare waist and pulls me closer. "You didn't say that earlier"

"I was in the mood earlier" I point out. I get out of the sheets and sprint to the bathroom while Bucky laughs his ass off.

"You have a nice butt" he yells. I creek the door open and throw a sandal at him from the bathroom. Of course it smacks him in the chest. Latina mom tricks never failed, it's in my genetic code.


I make my way downstairs after my shower, I dress up with a pair of jeans and tee shirt. I find Bucky on the floor doing arts and crafts.

"What are you doing?" I ask while sitting down next to him. I see my phone and the larger photo printer I own.

He doesn't respond and hands me a frame. I notice he's putting together our pictures.

"I feel like I'm a celebrity of some kind" I say grabbing his face and peppering kisses all over it.

"You know, I never thought you'd be my girl" he says smiling. I let go of his face and scoff. "Someone online called
Me your sugar momma" he looks really confused.

"It means I buy you things for affection" I clarify. "I'm offended, I'm only Sarah's sugar momma"

"Why can't you be both?" He teases.

"Because, I'll go broke!" I say narrowing my eyes.

"We'll be broke together" he says while smirking he plants a kiss on my nose. "Just a couple of old broke people"

"These pictures make me look like I have 3 grandkids and now use retirement to buy dumb crap money vibes" I say looking the picture thoughtfully.

"That's a way to put it" Bucky say looking at a picture. "Maybe I'll put it in our room"

I do a double take on his sentence. "Our room?"

"Mhm maybe itll go well with the nice sheets I bought at that arrow store" he says while scrunching his eyebrows.

He grabs my head of hair and plants a kiss on it before standing up. I'm left there confused.

"Our?" I mutter to Myself. Did he mean target? Arrow store, man old people these days.


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