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As Sarah and I enter the interrogation room, Sebastian looks up at us with a confident smirk. He knows that he has something that we want, and he's going to use it to his advantage.

Sarah takes a seat across from him and starts to ask him some basic questions. She's playing the good cop, trying to get him to open up and share what he knows.

I stand behind her, arms crossed, playing the bad cop. I'm trying to intimidate him, make him feel uncomfortable and vulnerable.

But Sebastian seems unfazed. He answers Sarah's questions with ease, and it's clear that he's not going to give us anything useful without a fight.

Suddenly, he turns to me and says something that catches me off guard.

"You know, Margo," he says with a sly smile. "Your friend Sarah has quite the crush on your boyfriend, Bucky. Maybe you should keep a closer eye on her."

I freeze, my heart sinking. Is this true? Could Sarah really be interested in Bucky?

Sarah looks up at me, her face flushed with anger. "What the hell are you talking about?" she snaps at Sebastian. "That's none of your business."

But the damage is done. I can't stop thinking about what Sebastian said, and I can't help but wonder if I can trust Sarah as much as I thought I could.

Ignoring that comment for now. I resume my case. "What do they have over your head?" I say in a casual tone.

"I mean, you didn't seem you wanted to fight for that willingly" I declare. I Can see he's starting to sweat.

"You see Sebastian, I'm a woman of my work and I would love to separate your every nerve" I say holding up a small surgical blade.

"Answers?" I ask with innocent eyes. Sarah looks like she's still recovering from the comments from earlier.

"They have Pablo" he finally confesses. My eyes widen in fear. "You're a liar"

"He's my bestfriend" he says with hurtful eyes. "Why would I lie? Did I seriously change that much? Come on summer 1998?"

"Sebastian?" Sarah says repeatedly trying to remember. "I only knew one Sebastian but he's scrawny ass was beat."

"Oh! Dalifart?" I says remembering him vaguely.

"It's actually Dalifard" our fellow guy corrects from the restraints.

Our head whips to him. "You're Sebastian Dalifard?"

"Dang, what's your plastic surgeons number?" I ask looking at him. He had a wider more muscular build now.

"The more that i look at him the more I see it" Sarah points out.

"He's you're brother isn't he? Pablo, we grew up together. He doesn't have the gene but they have him." He spills. "I was trying to get to him, it landed me in an organization named the hand"

"They want me to help them get you, for Pablo. But, he's your brother" he says out of breathe frantically. "Please help my friend"

"Yeah no shit" I reply to his run on. I get up and head for the door. My head was pounding.

As we exit the interrogation room, I feel a sense of unease settle in my chest. I was already having a headache and decided to stir the pot.

Sebastian's words linger in my mind, reminding me of the importance of keeping secrets. And suddenly, I find myself thinking about Sarah's crush on Bucky.

I take a deep breath, steeling myself for the conversation that's about to happen. "Sarah, can we talk?" I ask, turning to face her.

Sarah looks at me warily, clearly sensing that something is amiss. "Sure, what's up?" she asks, her voice guarded.

I take a moment to gather my thoughts, trying to find the right words. "I couldn't help but notice the way you look at Bucky," I say finally. "And I just wanted to make sure that there's no...tension between us."

Sarah's eyes narrow, and I can see her body tense up. "What are you trying to say?" she demands, her tone defensive.

"I just want to make sure that we're on the same page," I say calmly while rubbing my temples. "I know that you have a crush on Bucky, but he's with me. And I don't want that to come between us."

Sarah bristles at my words, her cheeks flushing with anger. "I can't help how I feel, Margo," she snaps. "And I'm not going to apologize for it. But I promise you, I won't let it affect your mission."

That was a low blow but I nod, accepting her words. "I know you won't," I say softly. "But I just needed to clear the air between us."

Sarah gives me a curt nod before turning and walking away, her shoulders tense with anger. I watch her go, feeling a sense of sadness wash over me.

It's clear that Sarah's crush on Bucky is not something that she can easily let go of. My brother and I weren't close but I would say the regardless I loved him.

I wasn't gonna sit around and wait for someone to hand it to me. I was gonna take life by the horns and do the most outta pocket shit I think I've ever done.

"Margo" I hear it coming from the interrogation room. I look over at Sebastian.

"What?" I ask.

"There might be a way, you can help" he confesses.

I think about it for a moment. I look at Sebastian, "Let's hear it big guy" 

"We need to meet with a friend, Costa Rivera, lives in Mexico City" he says. "He'll take us where we need to go, if you're willing to do this."

"I'll do what it takes, they are after the people I love. This, isn't going to happen, I don't trust you." I declare passionately.

"Well, if you do say yes, we should leave tonight. " he says. I give him a blank stare and turn around to leave the living room. I tell the guards at the hallway to take him back.


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