Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You

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"All right, I don't care what the body's doing. Just make sure the facce is doing something special. A five, six, seven, eight. Show it. Hide it. Hit your friend, hit your friend. Grab the jelly." Mr. Schue led them all through some choreo and we all threw in some notes. "Good, you guys. Remember, show faces."

"Make a sandwich, throw it down. Stay at home, stay at home. Leave your home, seven, eight. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. Mother, may I point to you?" They finished, and as per usual, the Warblers did it with ease, while my kids struggled badly.

"All right, not bad, guys. This goes for all of you, you all need to work on-" I said, clapping for a minute and walking up to give them some pointers, but Rachel cut me off. "Yay! That was so good, you guys! Let's take five." She smiled, walking in front of me.

"Uh, no, no, no. Let's not take five." Skylar snapped as the New Directions started to walk away and get water. "Excuse me?" Rachel scoffed, somehow surprised that someone cut her off.

"My feet are like an outtake from Black Swan, but you don't hear me complaining Because my fellow Warblers and I understand the stakes involved. May I remind you that if we don't win sectionals, Glee Club no longer exists. Do you think Sue Sylvester is giving Vocal Adrenaline a five minute break? No. This weekend, I saw them walking on hot coals. We suck!" One of the other Warblers snapped, and Myron jumped forward, but Jane held him back with one hand.

"Okay, you suck!" He yelled, making the Warbler laugh and put his hand in the air. "Take a nap, Nickelodeon." He said, and Myron started to try and claw at him, still in Jane's grasp

"Come on, guys. Everyone's improving very nicely. This is not the time to panic." Kurt sighed as we all stood up from our chairs and the piano to end the fighting that spread over the room like a wildfire. "But it is time to be pragmatic. With all due respect to our well-meaning teachers, there is zero chance of beating Vocal Adrenaline with rudimentary moves like "Mother, may I point to you?" Skyler said, and I walked forward.

"Skyler's right. I would like to point out how the New Directions won nationals in 2012, with two dance numbers, and we lost nationals last year, where we all literally just walked around and clapped the whole time, no offense, Mr. Schue. But this year, we are not park and barking, no matter how hard dancing is for some of you." I said, bringing the Warblers a bit of comfort, that someone was finally on their side besides Blaine.

"Thank you, Sami. Moreover, the Warblers and I recently had a little sidebar, and we believe it's time for a frank discussion about who should be featured up front. And who should be hidden in the back." Skyler smiled, and I knew this conversation was going to cause an issue. "The only three girls in this group are not moving to the back." Jane snapped, and the girls all crossed their arms.

"No, I wasn't talking about the girls." He hesitated as he looked at Roderick. "Just say it, Skyler. The dead weight." Another Warbler finished, and I was about to stand up for Roderick, because that was clearly a fat joke. "Look, we all know that some of us aren't as physically fit as others, but give Roderick some time. He's got a killer voice and he's a quick learner. I guarantee he can get the dance moves, dude." Spencer said, placing a hand on Roderick's shoulder, and it made me happy to see that he was finally becoming a true part of this team.

"And when will you get them, dude? You're just as bad as he is." The same Warbler laughed, amd Skyler cut in again. "You're worse! You dance like a blind man with a back brace who hasn't taken a dump in three weeks!" I leaned over to Blaine, who also noticed how they keep finishing each other's sentences.

"I'll give you fifty bucks if you can prove they aren't sleeping together." I whispered, making him briefly laugh into his hand. "You're on." He smiled, wrapping his arm around me waist, keeping me close to him.

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