Movin' Out

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I walked into the choir room, wanting to be early and I saw Blaine already there, unstacking chairs

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I walked into the choir room, wanting to be early and I saw Blaine already there, unstacking chairs. He had his headphones in and he was dancing. I pulled out my phone to record him, and he started twerking, and I started to laugh.

"Blaine, you having fun?" I asked, and he took off the headphones, his eyes wide.

"Sam, get out of here!" He yelled, running towards me and blocking the camera with his hands.

"That was the best thing I've ever seen in my life." I laughed, turning off the camera.

"No, you cannot show that to anyone!" Blaine begged, but Tina walked up.

"Show what?" She asked, and I had to show her, it was too amazing not to. People kept walking in, and eventually I had to show everybody. They were all laughing while Blaine sat in the corner of the room, pouting.

"Blaine, this is nothing to be embarrassed about!" Mr. Schue laughed, looking over at him, and everyone disagreed.

"Yes it is." They all said, and I started laughing harder.

"That's a twerk fail, Gawker nightmare." Blaine rolled his eyes.

"No, this is a revelation." Mr. Schue said, sitting next to Blaine and grabbed his shoulders.

"If this is turning into what I think, it's turning into, I Just want to say that it's physically impossible for me to twerk." Artie said, throwing his hands in the air.

"I beg to differ." Kitty smiled and we all started laughing.

"Look at how you're all riveted by that video. That's what the kind of reaction need from the judges if we're going to one up for explosion at nationals. We need to edge up our America sweetheart image a bit, so the judge is that we're not afraid to rebel." Mr. Schue said, and I went and sat next to Blaine, throwing my arm around him.

"Mr. Schue, what if some of us don't know how to twerk?" Marley asked, and I wanted to agree with her, but how hard could it really be?

"Have no fear, your twerktorial is here." He answered, doing something weird with his head.

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