Livin' On A Prayer

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"You can't stay mad at me forever

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"You can't stay mad at me forever. I know you're talking to your Warbler right now. You're totally over Sam." Quinn said, as I was sitting in the car on the way home from school, texting with Blaine, purposely ignoring her.

"If you don't talk to me, I'm gonna tell Rachel that you're going out with the lead singer of the Warblers." She teased, and I groaned.

"Fine, yes, I am over Sam. But you know what, Quinn? I'm not that we could've been friends if you didn't have to go and make everything awkward between us." I snapped, but she stayed unfazed, not even taking her eyes off the road.

"It's not my fault you too can't be mature and work things out. I'm not the one who said you have to stop being friends, it was you Sami." She said, and I know she was right.

"Why do you always have to be right? It's kind of annoying." I sighed, lay my head on the dashboard.

"Does this mean we're friends again?" Shes asked, grabbing my hand.

"I guess." I shrugged, then I felt my phone buzz and I immediately opened it to see it was Blaine, texting about having dinner. We had been texting all night, which was relieving due to his previous lack of texting.

"You and this boy have literally been texting all night. I could hear you awake last night laughing at whatever he was saying. When are you going out?" She smiled, and I shook my head.

"We are going out as friends." I sighed.

"Well do you like him? Because he likes you. I've literally only seen you guys talk one time and I can already tell that he is literally in love with you." She laughed, and I playfully slapped her shoulder.

"No, he is not." I giggled, and continued texting him, my face buried in my phone.

The next day at school, all of us girls were putting our makeup on when I felt my phone buzz, and I was so occupied with my make up that I didn't even think about who I was asking to help me.

"Hey Rachel, I'm doing my eyeliner right now, can you get my phone for me?" I asked her, since she was right next to me and I was focusing on not messing up my makeup. She reached into my bag and grabbed my phone.

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