Liar, Liar

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So I said to Prince Feisal, 'What do you think this is, a quarter horse convention?" June laughed, taking a drink of her tea.

"I want to be you when I grow up." I smiled, admiring her. She was truly an embodiment of who I wanted to be.

"Why? What do you find so attractive? Tell me. Is it the fame? Is it the power? Is it the money? What is it?" She glared, putting down her cup and leaning forward to look at me intently.

"No, no. It's the life. I mean, how did you manage to find yourself in the center of all of it?" I asked, and her harsh expression quickly faded.

"If you put out charisma to every person you mean, the universe will see to it that it goes back to you. Because like attracts like. That's why I'm so in like with you." She shrugged,  and honestly, it kind of blew my mind.

"Oh, my god. I just, I can't believe that you see me that way." I smiled, trying not to jump up and down in my seat.

"Okay, so, we're going to do a show, showcase you and Samantha's talents. It will be the biggest event of the whole year. It's a shame she couldn't join us, I would really of liked to talk to her about this whole thing, because that girl is really something special. She is one in a million." June said, and I suddenly felt my mood drop. Was Sami more talented than me? Probably. No, definitely. But would her talent completely outshine mine? She is getting discovered, she is going to be a recording artist. This is going to be my only shot, and this sounds horrible, but I need to take it.

"Thank you, so much for the opportunity. But, I don't think Sami would be all that interested in a show. She is probably going to be too busy with the song she's recording." I sighed, and it didn't hit me until after I had already finished talking, what I had just done.

"Oh, that's a shame. Well, best of luck to her. I guess you will be the shining star of my show, dear." June shrugged, grabbing my cheek before returning back to her tea. What did I just do? How could I do that to Sam? I need to tell June I was lying, but I couldn't form the words. They just wouldn't come out.

"Is there something you need to tell me?" She asked, squinting her eyes at me. Why can't I talk?

"No." I muttered, that was all I could get out. Who was I?

"Honesty is the best policy. I will not take kindly to liars, Blaine. Are you very sure you don't need to tell me anything?" She snapped, leaning across the table and I just shook my head. I couldn't risk June canceling the show, this was my shot. But maybe I deserved it, I just ruined a huge opportunity for Sami. But she has the song, so maybe it wouldn't be that big of a blow. Hopefully not.


"Finally, I get some alone time with you. It's literally been all about June, I feel like I haven't been able to spend time with just my fiancé in so long." I sighed as Blaine walked into the living room with a bowl full of popcorn.

"Well, you keep saying yes to June." He laughed, standing in front of the couch, taking a handful of popcorn out.

"Well, you never know who she'll introduce us too. She could boost our careers in a second. What are you doing? Come sit down." I laughed, patting the empty spot on the couch next to me and he slowly walked over.

"By the way, I'm upset with you." I said, and he took a bite of popcorn, his eyes widening slightly. "Why?"

"Because, you haven't told me how lunch went. I didn't get one juicy text all day telling me about how you met Paris Hilton or Kim Kardasian." I teased, and he relaxed instantly.

"Oh, it wasn't like that at all. It was just us." He shrugged, and I playfully hit his shoulder.

"Is she being inappropriate? Because that's where I draw a line." I joked, and he almost choked on the popcorn.

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