More Than A Feeling

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"Burt!" I yelled, running up and hugging him as he walked into the choir room with Carole.

"Sami, how have you been girl?" He smiled, squeezing me.

"Amazing." I beamed, I hadn't seen either of them since the funeral, and I didn't know how it was going to go, but oddly, I felt even closer to them.

"We just wanted to come in and say that, uh, Finn really cared about you guys, more than you know." Burt said, and Blaine wrapped his arm around me, while I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Finn always said that winning nationals was the greatest accomplishment of his life. But I honestly believe that coaching you guys to winning would've meant more into him." Carole smiled, tears in her eyes.

"Now, we're not saying go out there and when it for Finn. That wasn't his style. But Finn would've said was that this is the time of your life's right now. You're never going to forget it and then a moment, it's all gonna be over." Burt continued, and Blaine wiped a tear from my face.

"So, no sad faces. No regrets. just go out there and have a blast, and you know, it'd be okay if you won the damn thing." Carole joked, making us all laugh.

"And the best part about it is that Burt and Carole have agreed to come with us as chaperones. But I think before we go, we need a little mood music to send us off. Brad?" Mr. Schue smiled, pointing to Brad.

"Don't look now, but I think someone famous just came in." Kitty whispered, and Unique and I both turned around instantly.

"Even better. It's Mercedes Jones." Unique smiled, and I ran up to hug her after Tina.

"Mercedes! Is it true you got a recording contract because Usher, Kelly Clarkson or Micheal Jackson's daddy bought your album in a 7-Eleven parking lot?" I asked, and she explained how she got a record deal.

"Wait, so your saying your only like 1 person away from Kim K?" I gasped, and she nodded.

"That means I'm only two." I whispered to Blaine, who put his hand on my shoulder to stop me from jumping.

"Okay, hold up. Is that dog alive?" Artie asked, pointing to the fake chihuahua in her hands.

"Oh. It's a faux-huahua. A fake chihuahua?" She smiled and I thought about the remarks Sue would be making about me right now if she were here.

"Oh my god, that's them." Blaine gasped, and my eyes widened.

"Who?" Everyone asked, as Throat Explosion walked in.

"Do you seriously have no idea who that is? Do none of you read the show choir blogs?" Blaine scoffed, and I was the only person who said yes, but only because Blaine has forced me to read them.

"That's Throat Explosion, and that's their leader, Jean-Baptiste. Jean-Baptiste who is born in Quebec to acrobatic parents. He trained at Cirque du Soleil before moving to Fort Wayne and use his French – Canadian circus stylings to turn the entire show choir world upside down." Blaine whispered to Sam and I.

"Bonjour. You must be the New Directions. And you must be Blaine and Samantha." Jean-Baptiste said walking up to us.

"How did you know our names?" I asked as he came face-to-face with me.

"Show choir blogs." He shrugged, like it was obvious.

"I'm Sam Evans, and I'm the leader of the New Directions." Sam said, pushing Blaine, and I away from him.

"Wait, hold up, who died made you king-" I snapped, then suddenly went silent as everyone looked at me awkwardly and Blaine patted my shoulder.

"I know you guys are all really good and stuff but that's just gonna get us out of our comfort zone and send us over the top." Sam whispered, and I pursed my lips. Sam wasn't helping at all.

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