Fight Song

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"That dress is gorgeous

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"That dress is gorgeous." I smiled, as I helped Rachel pick out a wedding dress with Kurt.

"It's so timeless, it's perfect." She grinned, pointing to the same dress.

"Yeah, timeless, meaning you can wait two or five years to wear it." Kurt said, and I elbowed him in the waist.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't a young Barbra Streisand, old Betty White and an even older Julie Andrews. Where is gay Cyclops- still trying to stumble his way in?" Sebastian Smythe asked, walking up to our table.

"We can't come here anymore." I sighed, and he pulled a small folder out of his backpack.

"Rachel, I brought you an engagement gift." He smiled, handing it to Rachel.

She halfway pulled out a folder of Finn, without a shirt, and he was grabbing his nipple.

"Oh my god! Rachel don't pull it out anymore!" I screamed, but she didn't listen and it showed Finn, completely naked while wearing a pair of red high heels.

"That is photoshopped!" Rachel yelled, covering Finn's penis with her hand and I burst into laughter at the sight. She did not think it was very funny, and shot me a harsh look.

"His thing is not that small, or brown." She snapped and it made my laughter worsen.

"He could never fit into those pumps." Kurt said, looking at the heels.

"Just think, from now until eternity, every time someone googles 'Finn Hudson.' they'll be treated to that and dozens just like it. That's the beauty of the internet, it stays with us forever." Sebastian smiled, and I covered the photo up with a wedding magazine.

"What do you want, Sebastian? I thought you would back off after I absolutely ended you during our Jackson-off." I said, crossing my arms.

"I want to guarantee a regionals win, so I want you both to drop out. McKinley gets home-court advantage this year. You're both going to come down with the asian bird flu or whatever Tina Blohen-Wang just had." He laughed, and I just stared at him in disbelief.

"You give a bad name to the entire LGBTQ community." I said, my eyes still wide.

"And you give a bad name to every single dwarf in the world." He smirked.

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