The Quarterback

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(you should of prepared yourself for this chapter the second i made them friends in s3)

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(you should of prepared yourself for this chapter the second i made them friends in s3)

"Sami, honey, can we talk?" My mom asked, walking into my room where I was laying with Blaine on my bed.

"Yeah, what's up?" I sat up, worried. She wasn't supposed to be off work yet.

"Okay, I don't know how I'm gonna say this. Just know that I love you." She sighed, and I grabbed Blaine's hand, my breath increasing rapidly.

"Mom, just spit it out, you're scaring me." I said, nervously laughing. She took a deep breath.

"Finn passed away last night." She explained, and everything went silent. I couldn't hear her explain how, and honestly I didn't care to. She hugged me after she finished, everything still quiet, and walked out. Blaine and I stayed silent until she shut the door, and I burst into tears. I buried my face in his chest and his hand held the back of my head, while the other went around my waist. I felt a few tears fall on me, but he stayed silent as I sobbed into him. He was fine last night. We talked last night. He wasn't dead, he couldn't be. He was going to walk me down the aisle, so he couldn't die. Blaine slowly rocked me back and forth, trying to calm me down but it was unsuccessful. Nothing would be able to stop this. Nothing would be able to cheer me up from this. Finn was my brother. He was my person. He meant so much to me, nobody would be able to replace him.

It's been three weeks since his funeral. I had barely even been able to get out of bed in the morning to go to school. I couldn't go to Glee though. The memories were too strong. Being in the choir room made me think of him. Think of him standing there, teaching us. Think of him sitting in front of me, his arm around Rachel.

I sat in his lap as he sat on one of the stairs, his arms around my waist and I leaned back against him while Mr. Schue wrote 'Finn' on the board. It was my first time in the room since Prom, and Blaine's tight grip around me was the only thing keeping me from running out.

"Really glad so many of you could make it back for this." Mr. Schue said.

"Wouldn't miss it for anything, Mr. Schue." Mike sighed, and I started to fiddle with my ring. I needed a distraction.

"The funeral was for everyone, but I wanted to do something just for us. To memorialize him the only way we know how. By singing. All week long. Anyone who wants to come up and sing. Maybe a song he sung. Something that reminds you of him." He continued, and I tried to focus on my breathing.

"A song isn't going to bring him back." Puck snapped.

"No, it's not. Nothing is. Not ever. But for two minutes or so, we can all maybe remember the best parts of him. So think of what you want to sing. If you want to sing and we'll start tomorrow." Mr. Schue said.

"His jacket." I sighed, walking up to Kurt the next day who was wearing it at Glee.

"Yeah." He said, and he pulled me into a hug.

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