Who Are You Now

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"Tina!" Kurt cheered, as he opened Rachel's door to show Tina Cohen-Chang.

"Be nice." Blaine whispered in my ear as he walked past me with a pizza.

"Hello, big fat Broadway star! These are for you." Tina smiled, handing Rachel a cute little vase with some flowers, but Rachel couldn't answer because she's on vocal rest.

"Oh, no. Do you have laryngitis?" Tina gasped, and Rachel shook her head and continued to mouth some words.

"Oh, no, she's just resting her voice." Kurt said, and Rachel walked away to go put the flowers down.

"Thank god. This would not be a good time for your tonsils to flare up again." Tina laughed, and I buried my face in my hands. Blaine had gotten annoyed with constantly telling me to stop talking, because we were trying to make Rachel feel better, so they tried to kick me out but Rachel insisted I stayed, so they invited Cameron over, who would have no problem with reminding me.

"How do you expect me to be in a room with Rachel and Tina and not say anything offensive?" I groaned, sitting on the floor in between Blaine and Cameron.

"Like this." He said, punching my shoulder, and I looked over to Blaine, who was intentionally looking away.

"Tina! Why don't you catch us up? How's Brown University treating you?" Mercedes asked, and Cameron showed me his fist tightening up.

"I love everything about it. Except for my dorm room. My roommate, she's nice, but she's from Pakistan and she speaks almost no English, and she's always watching that Al Jazeera channel and no, I don't have a boyfriend, but I was dating this really nice guy, and he turned out to be-" Tina went on and on until all of us finished her sentence. "Gay."

"No. Yes. Anyway, Rachel, I read this amazing story about you on Broadwayworld.com and they are predicting that Funny Girl is gonna be a huge hit. And so is everybody else, except for a few moronic bloggers, but who are they to call you pitchy, and do not get me started on those anonymous comment trolls, I mean you are not that short." Tina said, and I rolled my eyes as Blaine tried to lift her off the floor, but she was very intent on staying there and reading off every insult ever told about Rachel.

"Why are you punching me and not her?" I whispered to Cameron, who just punched me again.

"It's fine. It's fine. Frankly the only opinions I care about are you guys, not Sami's most the time, but I love you guys and you love me. So you know, if I ever need any validation, I just turn to my buffet of people right in front of me. If you don't mind, I'm going to take a nap. This diva needs her beauty rest." Rachel smiled, making her voice very soft, and slowly walking into her bedroom.

"Okay, Tina, you are staying at my place." Mercedes said, ushering Tina out of the apartment.

"Thank god, I can actually breathe without fear of catching the crazy." I sighed, leaning my head on Blaine's shoulder and Cameron punched me again.

"She's not even here!" I yelled, punching him back.

"Why did I think this was a good idea?" Kurt groaned, as Blaine moved in between us, since neither of us wanted to punch him, we were forced to just sit there.

"You guys are like toddlers." Blaine sighed, taking a bite of pizza.

"Does that make you and Kurt pedophiles?" I asked, and Cameron and Sam found it extremely amusing, while Kurt stormed into the empty bedroom, and Blaine stayed in between us, staring at the wall, trying not to have to answer that question.

"Guys, it's bad. Rachel has been cyber cutting all night. She read like every negative comment ever written about her in the span of an hour." Kurt sighed, opening Rachel's door after he spammed us all to come to her apartment ASAP.

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