Silly Love Songs

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"I got the job!" I exclaimed, running up to Kurt and Blaine at the Lima Bean

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"I got the job!" I exclaimed, running up to Kurt and Blaine at the Lima Bean.

"Congratulations!" Blaine smiled, pulling me in for a hug.

"Wait, what job?" Kurt asked, separating us.

"I needed a job to get money, do you know how hard it was to find a decent Christmas present I could actually afford? So I applied for a job at Forever 21 and I got it!" I said, linking onto Blaine's arm and grabbing his hand as we started walking into the shop.

"Oh my god, look at all of the decorations." I laughed, looking around at the shop which was covered entirely in tacky Valentine's decorations.

"Okay, I'm all for flair, but these valentine's day decorations are just tacky. I mean, what the bell is this supposed to be?" Kurt asked,

picking up a a stuffy of two puppy's kissing.

"It's clearly puppy love. It's cute, come on." Blaine smiled, grabbing the puppies.

The toy made a kissing noise and said "I love you."

"Adorable!" I laughed as Kurt took the puppies out of his hands.

"It's a simple excuse to sell candy and greeting cards on a holiday." Kurt said.

"Not true, people have been celebrating Valentine's day for centuries and call me a hopeless romantic, but it's my favorite holiday." Blaine grinned, looking at me and squeezed my hand.

"I don't find that surprising." Kurt mocked, motioning towards how I was linked onto Blaine's arm.

"I think there's something really great about a day where you're encouraged to just lay it all on the line and say to somebody, 'I'm in love with you.' You know?" My eyes widened as Blaine looked at me for the last part, but he continued walking in the line so I was sure he didn't mean it.

"This year, I want you to be able to spend Valentine's with someone like how Sami and I are going to be. You can't be hanging around us, or you're going to be very uncomfortable." Blaine winked at me and I jokingly bit my lip. Maybe this will be my favorite holiday as well.

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