I'm Yours

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I spent the previous week at Blaine's bedside, since he had just gone through his surgery and he was in incredible pain

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I spent the previous week at Blaine's bedside, since he had just gone through his surgery and he was in incredible pain. Here it was, Valentines week and once again he wasn't here to share it with me. I could of lived with that, but Valentine's was also our one year anniversary, so it broke my heart that we couldn't go out and do anything on it.

I walked into Glee, and saw how everyone was incredibly heavy on the PDA and I shouldn't of been upset, because Blaine and I would be even heavier if he was here, but he wasn't. I slumped at the piano with Kurt, who was upset because him and Cameron were starting things back up again, and he didn't have him either so at-least we could go through it together.

"Okay, everybody! Let's hear it for love! You're assignment for Valentine's week is to find and perform the worlds greatest love songs. Now, regionals is next week and we still need to raise 250 dollars for costumes and hairspray." Mr. Schue said, and I threw my head onto the piano.

"We will serenade each classroom-" He continued, and I stood up.

"Mr. Schue, I cannot mentally take getting a shoe thrown at my head this week." I sighed, and Sugar raised her hand.

"Here's a spoonful of sugar for you all: Don't sweat the small stuff, and it's all small stuff when you're rich. So, here you go!" She handed Mr. Schue an entire stack of money.

"Sugar, I can't take that." He declined and I objected.

"Take it!" I screamed and he reluctantly took the money.

"Everyone, give it up for Sugar for paying for our finalnet and cumberbunds!" He smiled and I high-fived Sugar.

"I love the sound of applause, even if I have to buy it." She smiled as everyone clapped.

"Okay, everyone. Look under your chairs. Sami, I put an extra one under the piano for you to give to Blaine, send him my love, mwah." She blew a kiss and I smiled at the gesture as I grabbed the two boxes of chocolates.

"V-Day is my fav day ever, so to celebrate my daddy is throwing me a huge, ridic party at Breadstix. And, I'm naming it the sugar shack, and drumroll, Rachel!" She pointed to Rachel who was sitting on Finn's lap at the drums.

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