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It was the middle of the night when Blaine's phone kept going off, and after the first ring, he insisted on ignoring it and going back to sleep, but after the third ring I was done listening to it.

"Blaine, if you don't answer that phone, it's going out the window." I snapped, and he just groaned and held me tighter.

"I'm not kidding." I said as it rang for a fourth time, and he reluctantly rolled over and answered it. He gave a croaky "Hello?" But his sleepy voice was quickly replaced by his normal one.

"What?" He gasped, sitting up instantly, and I knew right away that something bad had happened. I sat up too and grabbed his shoulder in support, waiting for him to hang up.

"What's wrong?" I asked, squeezing his shoulder as he stared straight ahead in shock. "Dalton. It burned down."

I immediately pulled him into a tight hug as he cried into my shoulder and I rubbed his back. I wasn't nearly upset as he was, but that place had meant everything to us. Where we met for a second time, where I knew he was my soulmate, where he proposed for the first time and where we got back together.

I felt a few tears fall from my eyes as I comforted him, my hand on the back of his head while the other ran up and down his back. Blaine had rarely ever gotten like this, and when he did, it absolutely broke me. Feeling him sob into me made me want to start sobbing as well, but I couldn't. He needed someone to be strong for him, and I had to do just that.

I decided to bring him into Glee with me after he finished talking to the Warblers, and they were already doing a number while Mr. Schue, who had rejoined us after leaving VA, watched. We sat in the audience, my arm instantly going around his shoulder and my other hand holding onto his arm as he held his up to his mouth, trying not to start crying again.

"Great job, you guys! Really impressive, thank you so much. Guys, any thoughts? What is going on with you guys?" Schue asked, walking over to us as we just stayed silent.

"There's was a fire at Dalton. It burned to the ground. There's nothing left. Academy's gone." Blaine said, his eyes not leaving the floor as I slowly nodded, rubbing his shoulder.

"Thank you for coming to this emergency meeting. Now, as I'm sure, everyone in this room is aware by now, Dalton Academy has burned to the ground. I have gathered you all here today because Blaine, Sami and myself have been talking, and, although just a moment ago, we could only see the Warblers as our competition, now it's time for us to see them as a friend and ally. We have made the decision to make some lemonade out of these lemons and join together as a show choir super group. This is an opportunity for all of us. We need them just as much as they need us." Mr. Schue sighed, as we all sat in the choir room, the Warblers included.

"Where's Rachel? Shouldn't she be here?" Kitty asked, acknowledging the absence of the five directors we had now.

"She is in New York on some business, but she'll be back soon. But she is totally on board with this." He said, making me feel slightly better about the embarrassing amount of directors, maybe we'll lose one.

"Well, okay!" Kitty grinned, and all of the New Directions stood up to go welcome the Warblers. It made me very happy to see how kind they all were, and even though we were all feuding not even a month ago, they put it aside to comfort them and make them feel at home. I turned to Blaine, who had a small smile on his face as he watched the kids, and it was the first one I've seen since we heard the news, making me even happier.

"Thank you so much for your generosity, Mr. Schue. It is in times like these that we can find comfort in the kindness of our friends." Blaine sighed, walking up to Schuester, and everyone went silent to listen.

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