Paradise By The Dashboard Light

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"What's going on, how bad is it?" Mr

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"What's going on, how bad is it?" Mr. Schue asked, running into our hotel room.

"Her temperature is 101°, and given the fact that Weezy's complaining about an upset stomach, it could either be the Amazonian Dengue fever or the H1N1 super virus." Sue said, taking the thermometer out of Mercedes' mouth.

"Or, I have food poisoning." Mercedes moaned, and Santana stood up.

"We all wanted burritos for lunch, so we went to chipotle, but Mercedes tried some dip called Senora Salsation." She said.

"I warned her not to get it." I shrugged and Mercedes groaned into her pillow and Sue pulled Mr. Schue over to talk. I tucked Mercedes' blankets in and she gave a small smile at me.

"Mercedes, you're on bed rest. Quinn, you're stepping in." Mr. Schue said, walking back to us.

"No, no, I can't dance that number, have Sami do it." She looked over at me, and I shrugged.

"I need Sami to save her energy for Dashboard, and the Troubletones need you." He declined, and I grabbed Quinn's hand.

"You can do this, Quinnie." I smiled, and Tina agreed.

"You're better than you think you are." Tina said, and Quinn gave her a light smile.

"Tina, you too. You're all in the Troubletones, besides Sami." He nodded and Mercedes started crying.

"Mr. Schue, this is my last competition, I don't want to miss it." She cried, and I grabbed her a tissue and started wiping the tears.

"Amen to that, sister. That's why I'm putting you on a B-12 drip and we're flushing your system with Pedialyte. You'll have bathtub full with ice and we'll see if we can't get your ambient body temperature back down to normal. Worked in 'Jacob's ladder." Sue said, walking into the bathroom.

"Alright, we have our marching orders. Let's do it." Mr. Schue clapped and we all stood up.

"How much did you spend today?" I asked Blaine, as I put in my earrings while we were in the dressing room.

"You'll just have to find out after we win." He smiled, putting gel into his hair.

"Or, you could just give me my present right now, as a good luck charm." I teased, turning to look at him.

"Or, you could be a little more patient, even though I know your not very good at that." He winked, and Mr. Schue came in before I could respond.

"All right, gather around, everyone! I just want to say a few words before we go out there." He yelled but Finn interrupted him.

"Hold on, Mr. Schue, hold on. You've given us a lot of pep talks over the years, but a teacher's job is done when the students don't need him anymore. last night we are around the circle after you went to bed and we told funny stories but then we went around the room and everybody said what they wanted to win this thing for and we also the same thing. We want to win this for you." He smiled and we all cheered, then the bell went off and the lights were flickering.

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