A Thousand Years

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"Finn, give me a drumroll!" Mr

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"Finn, give me a drumroll!" Mr. Schue yelled, running into the room as he wrote Marry Me? on the whiteboard.

"Yes, I am asking Miss Pillsbury to marry me." He smiled, and we all started cheering.

"This is the kind of news that you share with your family, and you guys are my family." He beamed, and I grabbed Blaine's knee and laid my head on his shoulder and he rested his head on mine.

"Mr. Schue, we're so happy for you." Finn said.

"We totally don't think you'll screw it up this time." Quinn joked, and I was happy Mr. Schue found it amusing because I could not handle any more drama.

"Here's the thing, it's got to be perfect. I'm sitting down with Emma's parents to ask for permission, and then this proposal needs to knock her well washed socks off so that's where you guys come in. So the assignment for the week is to come up with a proposal number. And you know Miss Pillsbury, it's got to be perfect." He said, and a thought popped into my head.

"I know exactly what we're doing." I whispered to Blaine, who squeezed my hand.

"Okay, so we are going to do A Thousand Years. I absolutely love that song, I know we will nail it." I smiled, grabbing his hand.

"That sounds perfect. Why that song though?" He asked, taking a drink of his coffee.

"It literally took them a thousand years to get together. I also love twilight, and I dream of singing this to 'someone' at my wedding." I said, winking at Blaine as I said someone.

"I am so glad it only took us a few months to get together, not counting the whole Rachel thing." Blaine smiled, and I cringed at the memory.

"God, don't remind me." I laughed and he grabbed both of my hands.

"I cannot believe I ever thought about choosing Rachel Berry over you. You are the best thing to ever come into my life, I love you so much." He grinned, and my laughter came to a sudden halt.

"I love you too, baby. What's with the sudden seriousness?" I asked him, rubbing his hands with my thumbs.

"I don't know, it's just with the proposal and the whole thing between Sam and Mercedes, it's just reminded me of how lucky I am to be called your boyfriend." He shrugged and my heart melted.

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