Chapter 106: A New Era

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"Let's begin!"

Dead silence fills the atmosphere as the students awkwardly look around, clearly having no idea what to do. Rosalía darts her eyes between the class and the senseis, sensing the awkward energy. Miguel and Selena turn to each other with baffled expressions before turning their heads to their right to exchange puzzled glances with Sam, Isaac, Demetri, and Hawk. Selena shrugs when she locks her eyes with Demetri. The lanky boy turns back to the senseis and raises his hand. "Uh, begin what exactly?" he questions.

Johnny and Daniel turn to each other cluelessly before glancing over at Rosalía, who merely presses her lips together awkwardly. They didn't really think this lesson through, she thinks. Luckily, Daniel is able to think of something to say quickly. "Begin a new era... Many of us used to be enemies. But rivalries..." he trails off, eyeing the blonde beside him.

"Don't need to last forever. The All Valley Tournament is just a few months away, and this year, the stakes are higher than they've ever been. We know that Cobra Kai is gonna use every dirty trick in the book. There's only one way we're gonna be able to beat–"

"By kicking their asses so hard they shit themselves!" Johnny enthusiastically cuts him off. Daniel instantly turns to him, horrified, which Selena, Rosalía, and Xavier find amusing. The corners of Selena's lips slightly curl up as she refrains from giggling. Her mother puts her head down to hide her smile. The blonde begins to pace back and forth as he continues, "We gotta take things to the next level. We're gonna teach you an aggression stronger than anything Cobra Kai can throw at us."

"They strike first? We'll pre-strike!"

"Okay, we're getting ahead of ourselves. We are going to respond to what they do," Daniel butts in, wanting to stop his partner from spreading his illogical ideas. "Eagles do not respond. They swoop down and take whatever they want. That's what we're gonna do. Take back the Valley," the blonde sensei opposes, much to the tan man's dismay. The Miyagi-Dos are iffy about Johnny's mindset, whereas most of the Eagle-Fangs seem to be on board. "Take it back in a measured and organized approach," Daniel adds. "We bite first!" Johnny suddenly shouts.

Daniel sighs frustratedly while Xavier and Rosalía share a concerned look. Of course these two are clashing already. Selena and Miguel grimace at each other, knowing this can't be good. They still want to believe that everything will work out, however. "Okay, let's just warm up with some simple exercises," the tan man announces before his partner could continue. "Let's line u–" Xavier calls before Johnny's booming voice yells over him, "Alright, line up!" The young Juarez LaRusso sends the blonde a dirty look, slightly annoyed by how he interjected.

All the students step forward, getting in two rows. Aren't they standing a little too close to each other? Rosalía wonders, her dance teacher brain taking over. "And just breathe and follow me," Daniel instructs. He and Xavier inhale a deep breath as they begin to move their arms in a choreographed manner synchronously. Johnny glances at them in confusion, quickly becoming impatient. "Fighting positions! Right leg back," he shouts. Everybody obeys, getting in position. "Front leg ready. Hi-yah!" he bellows.

The class performs a front kick, and Mitch accidentally kicks Nathaniel in front of him, causing the small boy to collapse. "Shit, dude. I'm sorry," Mitch apologizes. "I knew I should've said something!" Rosalía accidentally says aloud. The two senseis whip their heads to her, furrowing their eyebrows. Daniel throws his arms up as if to exclaim, "what the hell?"

His wife gestures to the kids. "They're standing so close together. They have no room to move," she points out. "Well, then why didn't you say anything," her husband questions. The woman raises her hands in surrender. "I don't know. I guess I thought everyone was fine with it," she responds. Daniel sends her a pointed look before he and Johnny share a glance.

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