Chapter 86: I Could Get Used To This

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(Selena's outfit^)
I would've updated yesterday but I was binge-watching Stranger Things 4 😗✌🏼



Selena walks beside Johnny as he pushes Miguel's wheelchair through a hallway lined with white brick walls. They turn a corner, being met with multiple giant scary-looking men who stare at them in an intimidating way as they pass by. Selena's glad she's wearing a black leather jacket and her AC/DC t-shirt. Her all-black attire seems to fit in with the vibe here. I'm the only girl in here, she thinks as she tries to avoid eye contact with anyone. "And I thought this place looked scary from the outside. Where are we, Sensei?" Miguel speaks up, glancing up at the blonde.

"It's a field trip," Johnny answers. "That's what my mom used to tell Camila to trick her into going to the dentist," Selena mindlessly remarks as she looks around. Oh, look, a woman! She thinks when she spots a lady leaning against the wall, glad she's not the only woman in here after all. Johnny slips off the backpack from his shoulder and swings it around in Selena's direction. "Here, take this," he addresses her as she grabs it. "Follow my lead. Both of you," he instructs. "Yes, sir," the girl replies while Miguel mutters, "okay."

As they approach a guy in a black hoodie, Johnny whispers, "be still" to the boy. "Oh, hold on," the man voices, approaching them and blocking Johnny's path. "Nice try," he says as the trio backs up. "Come back when they're 21," he states. What kind of place is this? The girl wonders. "Yeah, that's gonna be tough. He'll be dead by then," Johnny claims. "What?" Miguel murmurs as he and Selena snap their heads to him. "He should be dead already," Johnny adds, glancing down at the boy.

The teens quickly realize what he's doing and play along. Miguel pretends to look sick while Selena plasters a sad frown on her face. "Every day is a gift," Johnny continues, to which the girl sadly nods. Miguel coughs, making the man glance at him. "He's got a bucket list. Getting past that door with his girlfriend is number one on it," Johnny easily lies. The boy looks up at the man and holds up his pointer finger. The girl's head is hung gloomily as she grips his shoulder before lifting her head, giving the man glossy eyes.

The man purses his lips, feeling a mix of guilt and sympathy for the young couple. He wouldn't want to rob them of happiness in their final moments together. "Alright. Go ahead," he caves, eyeing Johnny and Selena apologetically. The blonde nods while the girl smiles gratefully at the man. "Hey, good luck, kid," he acknowledges Miguel before opening the door. Miguel waves at him and coughs one more time before the three make their way through the door. As soon as they enter, they're immediately met with red lighting, smoke, rock music, and loud cheering.

Selena beams as they make their way through the crowd. "The kids are back!" a voice yells. She looks at the stage, seeing the band and lead singer. We got a great view, she thinks, excitement filling her body. The three watch the old man on stage sing before Johnny decides to speak. "That's Dee Snider, the most bad-ass rocker ever," he explains to the teens. "Yeah, I've heard of him!" Selena yells over the music. They stop talking as they listen to Snider's music, enjoying themselves already.

"Oh, by the way, great acting skills! You actually looked like you were gonna cry!" Johnny compliments the girl, leaning closer so she can hear him. "Thanks! I'm really good at crying on cue!" she responds, making the blonde chuckle amusedly. She acquired this skill from the many novelas she's watched with her mom and grandma. "How is this part of my physical therapy?" Miguel shouts over the music. "It's not," Johnny answers. He unzips the backpack that's slung over Selena's shoulder and takes out three cans of beer.

"Just forget about all that and have some fun!" he says, opening a can and handing it to Miguel. He opens the second one and extends his hand out to Selena. However, before she could take the beer, the man retracts his hand and voices, "just don't tell your mom about this!" He doesn't want to get an earful from Rosalía for giving her daughter alcohol. The girl chuckles. "Eh, my tíos [uncles] gave me beer when I was younger," she claims, dismissively waving her hand. "And she's not even in the country right now!" she informs him as she grabs the beer.

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