Chapter 68: Don't Do This To Me

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Juárez LaRusso House

Daniel walks into Robby's room. Even though he won't admit it, he misses the teenager already. He approaches the bed, his interest piqued by two familiar books on top of the comforter. He picks up a book titled, The History of Okinawa in one hand and another one called The History of El Salvador in his second hand. He sighs when he sees these. He never knew Robby gained an interest in learning about Mr. Miyagi and Rosalía's countries. It gives him flashbacks from when he read those books when he was younger.


The man is snapped out of his thoughts upon hearing his wife's voice. He turns around, seeing her run in. "I just got a call from the high school," she announces. Daniel notices the panic on her face. "What's wrong?" he asks, now concerned as well. Rosalía sends him an uneasy look. "There was a fight. A big one. Selena and Robby were both involved... So was Sam, Amanda got a call too," she explains. Daniel's eyes widen in fear. "What??" he questions, making the woman nod. "Let's go," he voices as the two hurry to fetch their keys.


West Valley General Hospital

Selena sits in a hospital bed with her arm raised as the nurse stitches her arm. Her parents and older siblings surround her, Adrian and Camila are absent, however, since they're still in school. Sam is also at the hospital, getting X-rays to check for internal injuries. The nurse finishes up and lowers the girl's arm before exiting the room. Selena examines the stitches, feeling a bit sad when she sees how ugly they look. "Well, there goes my modeling career," she dryly jokes. The frown on her face doesn't budge though.

Normally, she uses humor during sad or uncomfortable situations as a coping mechanism, but it's not helping in this case. Rosalía strokes the girl's hair and presses a kiss to her head. It breaks her heart to see her daughter all bruised up and wounded. Daniel grabs the girl's hand and tries to comfort her, "it's alright now, okay? Everything's gonna be alright." His words only make Selena want to cry. She feels her heart wrench as the tears sting her eyes. She chokes out a sob and the tears start pouring down her cheeks.

Daniel squeezes her hand harder, his heart breaking at the sight. Rosalía leans forward to hold the girl to her chest, whispering, "it's okay. Ya paso, mama. Ya paso [It's over, mama. It's over]." Aaliyah and Xavier get up from their chairs and stand on the other side of the bed. Aaliyah soothingly rubs Selena's arm. She and her brother share a sympathetic look. They hate seeing their little sister like this. The boy shakes his head, frowning. "I really hope that-" he cuts himself off, refraining from cursing. "Girl gets arrested," he concludes.

Selena finally looks up at everyone. "I'm not upset about Tory, Sam and I are fine... But Miguel..." she trails off, her voice breaking. She takes a breath, blowing air out through her mouth as she tries to compose herself. A tear escapes her mother's left eye as she observes the girl, knowing how she feels about Miguel. The thought of this poor teenage boy fighting for his life hurts her as well. No child deserves to go through that. "I just want him to be okay," Selena cries. Daniel shakes his head, giving her a solemn look.

"I can't believe Robby would do that," he comments, turning to his wife. She feels a pang in her chest when he says that, looking away. When she heard about what Robby did, she didn't want to believe it. She knows he's made many mistakes in the past, but she never imagined him hurting somebody like this. She doesn't believe he desired to hurt Miguel like this... or at least she hopes not. The thought of him being on the run now shatters her heart. Selena feels a wave of sorrow and anger wash over her upon hearing Robby's name.

The boy who became one of her best friends. Her brother. How could he do something like this? And out of everyone, it was Miguel who got hurt. The boy she's in love with. The fact that Robby is the reason Miguel is on the brink of death hurts her the most. This would be so much easier if she could hate Robby... but she can't. Even if she tried, she couldn't. As angry as she is, she could never hate him. She just really hopes it was an accident. She can't stop thinking about how fast things changed.

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