Chapter 38: The Return of a Past Figure

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This probably isn't relevant but Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Rey reminds me of Daniel and Rosalía. And Jenny from the Block should be Rosalía's theme song. 



Robby pours cereal into a bowl and sighs when he remembers that he's out of milk. He walks over to the sink and twists the faucet, filling his bowl with water when a knock suddenly sounds at the door. He goes to answer it, confused as to who might be visiting him. He opens the door, peeking through the open crack, and is shocked to see Rosalía and Daniel. "Hi, mijo... um, surprise?" the woman greets, awkwardly grinning. "Hey," the boy greets back before shutting the door to remove the lock. He fully opens it this time and reveals the couple standing side-by-side. Rosalía peeks inside, taking note of how dark it is in there. "Mr. and Mrs. LaRusso, what are you guys doing here?" the boy questions.

"Well, I could lie and say we were in the neighborhood," Daniel responds, glancing at his wife. "Is your mom home?" Rosalía cautiously asks. Robby shifts his eyes to the floor, disappointment taking over his features as he lowers his head. The woman slightly frowns, her heart aches for him. "Hey, listen," Daniel voices, stepping toward him and setting his hand on his shoulder. "It's alright... okay?" he assures him. The boy slowly lifts his head to look at him before switching his gaze to Rosalía. She sends him a reassuring smile and nods. He nods back, a grin appearing on his face as fast as it disappears. "Why don't you come with us, hm?" she suggests.

Robby looks between the two hesitantly. He doesn't want to burden them. However, the way they're looking at him tells him that they genuinely care and want to help him. How can he say no to them? Plus, Rosalía will probably try to guilt-trip him with the "you're hurting this old lady's feelings" bit again if he refuses. "Okay... thank you so much," he softly responds before going inside to fetch a few of his belongings. He leaves with them and they go straight to their house. 

Once they're home, Sam, Selena, and the other kids invite him in with open arms and they make Mac N' Cheese together. As they sit at the kitchen table, eating and chatting, Rosalía and Daniel stand in the living room talking about the situation. "Pobrecito [poor thing], I can't believe he's been living by himself... No kid deserves that," the woman expresses, shaking her head and glancing at Robby in the distance. "I know..." Daniel trails off, nodding.

"You know, we have the space."

"He should stay here."

They both speak simultaneously. "Yes! Exactly! Glad we're on the same page," the woman reacts. Daniel nods and suggests, "I could put an air mattress in the guest house until we get some real furniture." His wife nods in agreement, but an important detail comes to mind. "Yeah, that's good and I really do want him to stay here, he definitely can tonight but... if we're talking long term, we have to talk to his parents," she informs him. "We already tried calling his mother, she's completely unreachable," her husband reminds her. 

Rosalía sends him a pointed look. "He has a father too, you know? He deserves a say in this," she claims. Daniel sighs, he didn't even consider Johnny and he doesn't want to talk to him. "Look, let's just go find him, okay? Our three oldest and Sam are here, they can watch Adrian and Camila. I want to go with you to make sure you guys don't start a rumble or something," Rosalía voices. Daniel sighs and rolls his eyes, pursing his lips. "Alright, fine. Let's go," he breathes out.


Reseda Strip Mall

Johnny and Kreese exit the liquor store with beers in hand as the angry shopkeeper yells after them. Kreese mockingly chuckles. "It's called America, big boy. Love it or leave it," he retorts. Johnny stays silent as he turns to glance at the shopkeeper before facing forward again. He doesn't really find Kreese's comment amusing. "He's a real son of a bitch, isn't he?" the old man remarks. All of a sudden, a new voice sounds. "Dead, my ass," Daniel spits as he glares at the two. Johnny's head snaps up, surprised to see him and Rosalía. The woman is a short distance behind her husband but slowly steps forward and stands beside him, staring at Kreese across from her.

Her eyes flicker between him and Johnny as she stands there in shock. He told her Kreese was dead and now she sees them together. Was he lying? Did he just find out he isn't dead? "Well, what do you know? The gang's all back together," Kreese pipes up, glancing at Johnny. "Well, almost all of us," he taunts, glancing at the couple. Daniel's eyes flicker down for a second while Rosalía's face hardens. "My condolences," the old man mocks, placing a hand over his heart. Daniel tries his best to not blow up. "You're lucky he's not here... How are your knuckles doing there, Kreese?" he taunts back.

"I imagine it must've been hard to regain some dignity after that incident," his wife sinisterly speaks, narrowing her eyes. Kreese looks down at his knuckles in embarrassment before lowering his hand to his side. "What's this? All part of your... your new Cobra Kai, Johnny?" Daniel addresses the younger blonde. Johnny makes a face at him. "You don't know what you're talking about, man," he utters. "Yeah, right," Daniel scoffs, smiling sardonically. "I've seen plenty. Let's go, Ro," he speaks again, gently touching his wife's arm as they turn around to walk away. She still thinks Johnny has a right to know what's going on with his son, but this isn't a good time to bring it up... especially when John Kreese is around.

"Well, maybe you wanna see a little bit more," Kreese pipes up, stepping closer to Johnny and gripping his shoulder. The couple whirls around to gaze at them. "Because this man's gonna make Cobra Kai bigger and better than ever," he continues. Johnny immediately moves his shoulder away to get out of the old man's grasp. He glances at him before looking at the couple, mostly at Rosalía. He walks forward, fixating his eyes on the woman as if to nonverbally explain that Kreese's words have no meaning to him. Rosalía kind of catches his drift, but still feels a bit uncertain. Kreese being here is definitely a sign of trouble. "What are you guys even doing here?" the blonde questions, looking between the two.

"We came to ask you a question," the woman replies. Johnny nods, giving her an expectant look. "And we got our answer," Daniel finishes for her. Rosalía looks down and quietly sighs, feeling disappointed. "You're both in for a rude awakening," her husband adds, glaring at Johnny. With that, he spins around and starts to walk off while Rosalía remains in place. She lifts her head to glance at Johnny, who's already gazing at her shamefully.

He's trying to mask it but the woman can see it on his face. She just gives him a questioning look. Daniel suddenly halts and turns around. "Rosalía," he calls to her. Rosalía turns to him before glancing back at Johnny one last time. She just sends him a dull grin before Kreese suddenly shows up at his side. Her grin turns into a cold stare as her eyes land on him.

"I'm confused. Didn't you used to have Danny on a leash or did the roles finally reverse?" He mocks her. "Hm," Rosalía dryly chuckles, a small vindictive grin forming on her face. "Don't test me, colonizer," she lowly voices, venom lacing her tone. A chill runs down Johnny's spine due to the way she spoke. With that, she spins around and follows her husband to their car.



Aw shiii, they finally came face-to-face with Kreese. Also, when Johnny walks up to Daniel in this scene, it gives me "babe, I can explain" energy 😭

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