Chapter 81: Can't Count On Anyone

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Hello, this is my queen ^ She is my mom. We must all respect my mother, thank you ☺️



7th Street Community Center

After giving his soup to Homeless Lynn, Johnny walks over to Robby, who's carrying a huge pot of soup. "Hey, let me give you a hand," the older man addresses his son. "I don't need your help," the boy immediately refuses. "You're right, you don't. But you're my kid and I'm your dad. So let me give you a hand," Johnny insists, grabbing one of the pot handles. The two lift the pot together onto the nearby table before the man begins speaking. "Look, I know we've had our problems, Robby. But you know, before that fight at the school, you and I were headed in the right direction."

Robby shakes his head. "We had one good day. Over a month ago. And where have you been since then?" he snaps back. His father looks away shamefully before meeting his eyes again. "Why didn't you show up? Mrs. JL did. So did Selena. Why didn't you?" Robby asks. Even though he won't admit it, the fact that his dad never showed up hurts him. He wants to act like he's got his back, but the only two people who really have his back are Rosalía and Selena. Johnny nods, understanding why he's upset.

"Look, Robby, I'm really sorry. I wanted to be there. Something happened at the hospital..." he trails off. Robby looks down in disappointment. "I get it," he voices. Of course it had to do with Miguel. He's glad that Miguel isn't dead but that doesn't mean his distaste for him is gone. "Robby, come on," Johnny tries to say before his son interjects.

"No, it's fine. I shouldn't be surprised that you chose Miguel over me again. You know, both Mrs. JL and Selena have been there for Miguel but still made time for me. I shouldn't have expected you to do the same," he jeers. Johnny feels like he's been stabbed in the heart when he hears this.

"I didn't choose Miguel over you. Damn, I'm just trying to make things right!" he argues, becoming frustrated. "Well, I'm sure Miguel appreciates that," Robby quips. "Hey, I'm not the one who put him in the hospital," Johnny retorts without thinking. The boy just gawks at his father in shock. He decides to ignore him and turns around, going to grab the pot. Regretting his words, Johnny grabs his son's shoulder and voices, "Robby, come on."

"Don't touch me, asshole!" Robby yells as he pushes him off, accidentally pulling the pot down in the process. It falls to the floor with a boisterous clatter, causing the contents of the pot to spill everywhere. Johnny just gazes at him with furrowed eyebrows, not knowing what to do or say. Robby lifts his gaze to his father and claims, "I don't need you anymore." Johnny shuts his eyes and sighs, upset for messing this up. A guard comes over and grabs his arm. "Come on," he orders. "Hey, hey. I got it, I got it," Johnny argues as he's escorted out.

Robby turns around when he hears laughter, seeing Shawn and his crew cackling and pointing at him. He turns back around and focuses on cleaning the mess he made. He can't count on his father anymore. He can't count on Daniel anymore. Rosalía and Selena claim to always be on his side but Robby knows that can change. He knows that Selena wants to help Miguel in his recovery, so Miguel will start to come before anyone else.

He knows that his second mom and sister meant everything they told him, but circumstances change over time. Despite having hope in them and truly wanting to have no doubts, he knows better than to put his complete trust in other people. The most important lesson that his sensei and father taught him is that anyone can let you down at any moment, especially those closest to you. If he wants to survive, the only person he needs to count on is himself.


West Valley High School

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