Chapter 84: Why Is Nothing Working?

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Heyyyy. I couldn't update over the weekend because I was on a trip but I'm back now with another chapter! ✌




Selena stands outside next to Miguel as they watch Brayden place his remaining belongings into his car. He shuts the trunk when he's done and whirls around. "Great job today, jefe. You crushed it," he praises the boy, extending his arm for a fist bump. Selena darts her eyes to the side awkwardly when the man says "jefe." Miguel returns the fist bump. "Really? It didn't feel like I did much of anything," he expresses, the uncertainty evident in his voice. "Hey, no negative thoughts. Just positive energy," Brayden confidently advises.

Selena can tell that Miguel isn't buying this by his facial expression. "I'll, uh, keep that in mind," he claims. Brayden grins at him before flickering his eyes to the girl. "And you, muchacha. Keep motivating him," he addresses her. Selena raises her eyebrows, taken aback. "Uh... yeah," she awkwardly reacts. Brayden clicks his tongue and throws up a shaka sign before going off to get into his car. Once he turns around, Miguel lets the disappointment show on his face. Selena walks behind him and grabs the handles of his wheelchair to turn him around.

"You know... that guy seems cool, he's really nice but..." she commences as she starts pushing Miguel's wheelchair into the patio. "He does not know how to act around Hispanics," she remarks, making the boy chuckle. "Yeah, I noticed," he agrees. "I think he was trying to be relatable or friendly but... I don't know why they don't just talk to us like they would to everyone else," he adds, shrugging. Selena nods and hums in agreement. "Why are white people like this?' A question that'll never be answered," she jokes.

"A secret of the universe," Miguel chimes in, making them both laugh. "Aren't you half white?" he suddenly asks. "Don't call- Oh–" Selena reacts, abruptly stopping when a magazine with a bikini-clad woman on the cover appears in front of her face. It floats down until it reaches Miguel's face, catching him off guard. 

He bobs his head back in surprise when he sees it. Both teens look up to see Johnny on the second floor leaning over the railing with a fishing pole in hand. "What's this?" Miguel asks him. "This is a collection of the tastiest babes of 1988. And you're not gonna get to see 'em unless you grab it," Johnny depicts. Selena gives him a weird look. She knows he's trying to get Miguel out of this chair. 

She finds it funny that he's counting on the boy's hormones to motivate him. "Okay," the boy agrees, reaching his hand up to grab the magazine. However, before he could, Johnny lifts it higher. "Ah! Gonna have to try harder than that!" the man calls out. "You know I can just find these pictures on my phone, right?" Miguel voices. "Hm," Selena hums upon hearing that.

"Not that I'd want to..." the boy awkwardly says, darting his eyes from side to side and tensing up. Selena laughs at this. "It's okay, Miggy. I was just messing with you," she assures him. She understands that Miguel is a guy and well... boys will be boys. "It's not the same. Chicks are hotter on the page," Johnny claims, making the teens scoff in amusement. "But you won't know unless you get off your butt. Or you can just keep getting foot rubs from that pansy-ass therapist," he adds, somewhat teasingly.

The boy chuckles at this. "You know, my mom used to want to be a physical therapist," Selena mentions, gazing up at the blonde with a small playful grin. "Yeah, and notice how she went a different route?" Johnny responds, making the girl chuckle. It's so weird that he's in love with her, she thinks, remembering what Robby told her. "Come on, Diaz," Johnny encourages from above. The boy turns his head to peer at Selena, who shrugs indifferently. He turns his head back around and grins amusedly.

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