Chapter 16: Enough

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Before we start the chapter, let me say something: I feel like I shouldn't have to clarify this, but "papi" means dad, and Hispanic kids do call their fathers this. Now that we're all informed, let's start reading ☺️



Selena is sitting outside by the pool as she waits for her mother to finish what she's doing so they can go to the studio. Today she doesn't have Scarlet Steppers practice but she's using her day off to dance anyway. She could've chosen to wait inside the house but she loves how the fresh air feels right now. She types away on her phone, texting her friend before exiting the iMessage app and opening Instagram. The first post to appear on her feed is a selfie of Miguel in a white gi. A smile graces her lips and she double-taps the photo before going to his profile. The cafeteria fight comes to mind and her smile gradually disappears as she remembers the looks between him and Sam.

She hates that she can't get that out of her head, she doesn't know why it bothers her so much. She sighs, getting off of his page and returning to her feed. She scrolls through, not paying much importance to any of the posts until she scrolls past a certain one that catches her eye. She scrolls back down to examine the photo. It's an image of a girl with various sausages in her mouth, labeled "Sam" with a pink arrow pointing to the girl. "Oh, my God, how do people think this is funny?" she mumbles to herself. She looks at the username of the account that posted this and huffs. "Yasmine?? I don't even follow that bitch," she irritatedly voices.

Selena doesn't like to encourage violence but she thinks Yasmine needs to get her ass beat. She can't even imagine how Sam must be feeling right now. While she's staring at her phone, Daniel comes outside. "Hey," he pipes up as he meanders over to her. Selena's head snaps toward him and she quickly presses the phone's power button so he doesn't see the post. "Hey, what's going on? You going for a swim? You gonna invite Sam or your friends over?" Daniel asks, coming to a halt beside her. "No, I'm waiting for mom. We're going to class soon," the girl responds. Her father nods. "Great. You wanna spar with your old man in the meantime?" he asks, pointing toward the dojo.

Selena gives him a baffled look. "Karate?" she asks. "Uh-huh," Daniel affirms, hoping she'll say yes. "I haven't done karate in like eight years," his daughter mentions. She's not sure how rusty she'd be now. Plus, she's more in a dancing mood at the moment. "Well, eight years isn't that long," the man argues. "Eight years ago, I was eight," Selena points out, lightly chuckling. Ouch, that hurt, Daniel thinks. Sometimes he doesn't like to be reminded of how much his kids have grown. "Alright, come on. Remember that time you nailed me in the jaw with the flip kick? I mean, uh, you know, I had to eat soup for a week. It was funny," he chatters, trying to convince her with humor.

"Heh. Oh, yeah... you were sad because mom made yuca frita [fried cassava] and you couldn't eat it," Selena comments. Daniel chuckles. "See? Funny! Come on," he begs her. Selena looks down, feeling bad for rejecting him because he looks so excited. "Um... I don't want to tire myself out before dance class... I'm sorry," she answers, glancing at her father apologetically. Daniel's a bit disappointed but he tries to hide it with a sweet smile. "Alright, I gotcha. No sweat. You have class soon, I wouldn't wanna show up all sweaty either," he dismisses. He starts to walk off until his daughter's voice catches his attention.

"Is that okay?" she asks, sensing his disappointment. "Yeah. Come on, you'd be doing me a favor. I don't have to block that foot of fury," Daniel jokes, pointing to her feet before walking off. Selena smiles in amusement. The man suddenly halts and turns around. "Oh, hey, why don't you ask Sam if she wants to spar?" he suggests. Selena knows what her answer will be but she'll ask for him anyway. "Okay, I'll text her and tell you if she replies," she assures him. "Alright," Daniel responds before he keeps walking.

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