Chapter 64: Spilled Secrets

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Whatever you think is gonna happen... forget that, you're probably wrong (and you'll be glad you are)😏



Sam sits by the pool by herself as she thinks. Her mind is fuzzy though due to all the alcohol. Spotting her, Miguel walks over, feeling concerned. "Hey, Sam, is... everything okay?" he cautiously asks. The girl turns to him before looking at the pool again. "I'm fine," she simply states. Miguel stands there awkwardly, knowing she wants to be alone. "Okay. Sorry," he apologizes, turning to walk away. "Miguel, wait," Sam calls, standing up and approaching him. "I'm sorry," she states. "For what?" the boy asks.

"I didn't know you returned the medal. It was really important to my family... and to me... to Selena. So, thank you," Sam expresses. Miguel finds it odd that she didn't know. He thought Selena told her everything. "Yeah, well... it shouldn't have gotten stolen in the first place so I'm just glad you got it back," he responds, grinning politely. Sam nods. "Me too. And I bet Selena's really glad it was you who returned it," she mindlessly remarks, chuckling slightly. Miguel sends her a puzzled look. "What do you mean?"

"Because she likes you, duh," Sam sassily replies, chuckling as if the answer is obvious. Miguel's jaw drops. "Wait, what do you mean she likes me? Like- like as a friend or... something else?" he eagerly questions. The blue-eyed girl's face falters as she realizes what she did. She's not thinking very straight. "Oh, no... Uh- nothing, never mind. Forget I said anything. I said too much," she babbles, shaking her head. Miguel stares at her in confusion. He really wants her to clarify what she just said.

Her reaction makes him think she meant Selena likes him as more than a friend, but he doesn't want to get his hopes up at the same time. "No, no, no, wait. Sam-" he yaks before the girl interrupts him. "No, forget it," she utters, walking forward. However, she accidentally trips and Miguel catches her. He holds her up by her arms and she glances up at his face as she holds onto him to steady herself. "You okay?" the boy asks her. She nods. "Yeah... thanks," she confirms. Miguel nods in return. "You're welcome," he answers.

Sam gives him a soft smile and says, "thanks for everything" before pulling him into a friendly hug. Miguel is taken aback by her action but hugs her back. "Uh, yeah," he replies. The last time they spoke at the roller rink, they cleared up all the doubts that remained when they broke up and decided to bury the hatchet. He assumes she's referring to that. Sam pulls back to look at his face and stands on her tiptoes, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

She sends him a kind grin before letting go of him and striding off. Miguel grins and shakes his head. Wow, she's really nice when she's drunk, he thinks. He's glad there's no conflict between him and Sam anymore. It feels nice to end on a happy note. However, unbeknownst to him or Sam, Tory was watching them through the kitchen window. She witnessed the hug and kiss and assumed the worst...

Meanwhile, inside the house, Demetri continues his speech. "In the words of Eli's hero, Steve Jobs, 'I've got one more thing.' Have any of you heard of sleep enuresis?" The crowd murmurs and Selena hangs her head, knowing what the term means. "Don't," Hawk warns. "That is the medical term, of course. In the King's English, it's good old-fashioned bed-wetting!" Demetri finishes, causing the party guests to laugh. "And Eli here," he continues, winking, "Is a pro. My mom even had a special air mattress for sleepovers. And she called it... Eli's waterbed."

Everyone erupts in laughter. Hawk finally shoves his cup into Mitch's chest, saying, "screw mercy." He turns to Demetri with a scowl. "You're a corpse!" he barks, marching forward with his friends in tow. Chris suddenly appears in front of them. "You're gonna have to go through me," he states. "Stay out of it, traitor," Mitch spits at him. "Hey! Don't touch him," Robby strongly voices, appearing at Chris's side. Selena rolls her eyes. Ah, man, does this have to happen now when I'm in chunky heeled boots?

"Or what?" Aisha menacingly asks. Selena raises her eyebrows, finally deciding to step in, in hopes of preventing a fight from breaking out. If things go bad, bad bitches fight in heels, she thinks. She stands in between both parties and voices, "everyone chill. Don't fucking move." Moon then shows up beside her. "Guys. Stop. We're friends," she states. "Ohh, I smell a rumble!" Stingray announces. Selena gives him a weird look. "Is that your dad?" she asks Moon. "No," Moon answers. Selena furrows her eyebrows. Why is there a random old dude here?

The opposing parties continue their staredown until a police siren suddenly wails. "Cops!" someone yells as everyone freaks out upon seeing the flashing red and blue lights. Everyone scrambles to get out. Shit, Selena thinks. "Demetri, you got lucky. I'll see you in school!" Hawk suddenly yells, lunging forward. Chris and Robby hold him back and Selena steps in, roughly pushing the mohawked boy back. "Come on!" Robby voices, clasping the girl's hand as they both begin running, searching for Sam. They sprint into the kitchen, finding her.

Robby rushes straight to her while Selena goes straight for the last pizza box on the counter, quickly snatching it before anyone else can. "There you are. We've been looking for you. We gotta go," the boy hurriedly speaks. Selena appears at his side and Sam stares at her guiltily. "I'm sorry, Sel," she utters. "It's okay, we just gotta get you home 'cause yikes, girl," Selena replies, studying her messy appearance. "No, no, no, no. My mom will freak out if she sees me like this," Sam counters, shaking her head.

"Okay, no problem, just stay at my house," Selena suggests. Sam shakes her head again. "No, your parents will tell my mom," she claims. Selena realizes she's right. Her dad would freak out and her mom would just nurse her but they'd feel obligated to tell Amanda. "Then what are we supposed to do, Sam??" she asks. "It's okay, I got this. Go to your car, I'll drive Sam's," Robby tells Selena as they start running outside, dragging the drunk girl with them.

"What? Where are you taking her?" Selena questions. "To my dad's. We'll be fine, go home. I'll call you," the boy informs her as they make it to Sam's car. "Okay," the girl replies before scurrying to her own car. She quickly unlocks it and tosses the pizza onto the passenger seat. She puts on her seatbelt and turns on the engine, speeding away from Moon's house.



Bet you weren't expecting that 🤭

Everyone: *about to fight*

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