Chapter 19: Jealousy, Jealousy

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As Rosalía moves further away from the door, Selena approaches her. "Hi, ," the girl chirps. She and Rosalía stop in front of each other and hug. "Hi, mama! What are you doing here?" the woman asks her daughter. "I forgot my AirPods the last time I was here," Selena informs her. She sometimes helps to trim the bonsai trees, Mr. Miyagi taught her how to when she was younger. "Ah, okay. Well, there's someone in there right now. Just telling you so you don't get scared," Rosalía says, pointing behind her before she starts to walk away. The girl nods. "Okay. Thanks, mom," she says as she nears the door. Her mother hums in response as she saunters off.

Selena pulls the door open and enters the backroom. Robby's too deep in thought to hear her as she walks into the cage-like area. She spots him with his back to her and stops in her tracks. Do I say hi? Should I just look for my AirPods without saying anything? No, that's rude, she contemplates before deciding to be nice. "Um, hi," she speaks up, catching his attention. The boy spins around, stunned to see a girl around his age standing a few feet behind him. "Hi," he greets back, giving her a small grin. He can't deny that she's very pretty. Although she resembles Rosalía. "Sorry, I'm just looking for something," the girl apologizes as she begins to scan the tree-filled tables.

"No, it's okay. Um, do you need help finding it?" Robby offers, hopping off of the stool he's sitting on. "Sure, it's a small white AirPods case," she tells him. He begins to scan the table in front of him, rapidly spotting the case in the top right corner. "Found it," he announces. He reaches over the bonsais and grabs the item, then spins around toward the girl. "Here you go," he says, holding it out to her. "Oh, yay. Thank you so much!" Selena replies, smiling at him. "You're welcome," the boy breathes out. It's bothering him how much she looks like his boss, he needs to know if they're related. "Hey, uh, are you the LaRussos' daughter?" he curiously asks.

"Yeah, I am!" the girl chirps, chuckling lightly. "I'm Selena," she introduces herself. "I'm Robby," the boy responds, smiling at her. Selena nods. "Nice to meet you. You're the guy that just started here right?" she asks him. Her parents have gushed about a new kid named Robby at the dealership. "Yup. Your dad's been teaching me karate too," he mentions. Oh, yeah, I heard about that, Selena thinks. "Ohh, wow, that's cool! He tried getting me back into it but I'm really busy so..." she trails off, shrugging. Daniel has talked a lot about Selena and her siblings so he knows a little bit about this.

"Oh, with your dance team! For competition, right?" he blurts. The girl gives him a questioning look, wondering how he knows that. Robby realizes how he sounds and quickly tries to save himself. "That sounded stalker-ish. Your dad told me about it," he slowly clarifies, chuckling nervously. Selena laughs at this and nods. "Okay, and yeah, with my dance team," she answers. Daniel told Robby that Selena's a lot like her mother but he didn't think that included her physical features. Selena's heard great things about Robby and now that he's in front of her, she knows for certain that her parents were right about him, he's very charming. It's nice for both of them to put a face to a name they've heard so much.

"So, you're trimming the bonsais," Selena comments, scanning the trees around them. "Oh, yeah, I barely learned how to a few minutes ago," Robby responds with a charming grin. "How many have you done so far?" the girl questions. The boy averts his gaze, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "Um... just one," he admits, kind of embarrassed. The girl's eyebrows raise in surprise and she studies all the trees. "I could help you if you want," she offers. Robby instantly tries to reject her offer. "Oh, no, it's fine. You don't need to do that, I got it," he counters. Selena sits on the stool at the table beside her and grabs a pair of clippers.

"Nah, it's fine, I love doing this. Plus, I have nowhere to be until later so," she argues, shrugging. Robby watches as she starts clipping away leaves, admiring her desire to help. So far she is like her mom, he thinks as he goes back to his own stool. "Okay... thanks," he reacts as he hops onto the seat. "No problem," Selena sweetly replies. The two initiate a conversation as they work, talking about different things such as dance, skating, and movies. They both have a feeling that this is the start of a wonderful friendship.

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